unpopular DC fan opinions

I like Jack Nicholson joker better and Superman is my favorite hero I didn’t think justice league was that bad just because dark version of batman worked doesn’t mean every movie needs to be dark light hearted is what I loved about the old Superman movies and Superman gets over looked for batman how many animated series does batman need give us more Superman series

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How about WW or Flash? Especially, since she part of the Trinity


Here’s an unpopular DC fan opinion: I think Superman Returns is a better MOVIE than Man of Steel.


I think that Superman returns had so many holes in it but hey to each their own

Superman Returns was a more solidly made movie, but it’s mostly just because it’s such a simple plot that it’s very easy to portray. It sticks true to the character of Superman and the mythos, even if the version of Luthor it’s using is a dated one from the 70s. Superman being a little stalker-ish was a questionable decision but it’s not that glaring. Its biggest flaw is that it’s just boring. 90% of the movie is uneventful, and a downright snore at times. The other 10% is pretty great, especially the airplane rescue. Still, Supes is mostly playing cleanup the whole movie, which is a bit tedious. Complaints about him lifting the crystal mass are valid but overblown.


I loved BVS. One stupid moment (martha) doesn’t define an entire film. I think Warner Bros panicked and tried too hard to make the critics happy. I prefer the darker material. There’s room for it. I also think Affleck is the best Batman since Keaton. A dang shame its over.

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And I prefer Batman Subzero over Mask of the phantasm.

Flash is a better hero than Supes or Bats. Beyond is way overrated.

Mos is the best Superman movie


I don’t think there is need to say someone else is better everyone has there own favorite

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The Big CGI fight scenes at the end of Wonder Woman and Suicide Squad are near unwatchable. I always stop the filns before them on each rewatch. To some extent the Doomsday fight in BvS is that way too. Having said that, I enjoy ALL of the DCEU shared Universe films.

I liked Brandon Routh as Superman.

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DC messed up by scrapping Armie Hammers Batman Movie and switching to Ben Affleck