:jsa_book_club: :justice_league_book_club: Two Worlds, Two Teams, One Mission [February 2021 JSABC/JLBC EVENT]:jsa_book_club:

Come back any time or join up if you’d like. Either way you’d be welcome.

Me too. Can’t wait!

thinks the above caption with a local sports announcers voice

Ya know that might just work. I’ll have to try that whenever those types of captions come up again.

I had a Phantom Stranger discussion last October in one of my other clubs:

I would start with this Phantom Stranger book and work you way forward.

Yeah, I can see how you wouldn’t necessarily feel that way but I’ve been reading comics for decades at this point. :man_shrugging: I do still get excited about the “big” stories on occasion, especially if they are from other companies but I have a tendency these days of avoiding most of them in the Big Two and sticking to the more 'fringe" titles there.

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