Two questions tons of answers and a whole Lotta fun!

What’s up everyone sorry for a late question of the Day? This a special two question do I dare say question?:face_with_monocle: So you hardcore Riddler fans answer both or just one. Question number 1 : What’s your absolutely favorite thing about this app . The item that if they took away you would unsubscribe?! Question 2 : How much do you look forward to my question of the Day? If you had the flashbacks of a test from school just be happy the Riddler isn’t your teacher! Let the answers fly below!

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There is so, so much I love about DC Universe. But if there’s one thing they took away that would get me to quit, it would be the comic archive. That’s the lynchpin of the whole thing for me. Even then I’d probably still hang around the community.

As for your QOTD project: keep 'em coming!

  1. Comics. I love all the free comics. It’s new stuff to read every day.
  2. I like questions. Not as much as the Question right above me.

DC universe has given me a place to go to talk about my favorite characters and favorite comic universe. The fact that everyone is so kind and positive is so refreshing and awesome. Plus DC daily and the comics that are available just add to how amazing it is. I :heart: DC Universe.


Hello HCQ! I just wanted to let you know The Question has been added to our collection pending final approval at DC! I knew you would be happy!!


HOT DAMN! That is GORGEOUS! PLEASE let me know when these are available!


@HubCityQuestion I think Christmas or whatever main holiday you love came early for you. I‘m going to have to check them out because the Question was awesome on JLU!

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