Titans Together / Week 6 WAL \ Teen Titans S02 E04-06 / 12-08-2020

Welcome to the sixth #titans-together WAL! Sorry about the wait, but I had been ill. I am glad I am getting back to myself and feeling better. I am excited to get back to watching this with this wonderful community. I hope some of you will join in and show me that you are glad I am back as well. :slight_smile: We will be watching the animated classic TEEN TITANS from Cartoon Network from EPISODE 1 on! We will be watching roughly 3 episodes a week on TUESDAY nights until completion.

We will let you know here when to hit that good ole PLAY button and if you lose your place or come in late, we got you. Just let us know in the thread and we will let you know the marker of where we are at.

To find the show go HERE

WHO: You!
WHAT: This week we have: S02 E04 “Only Human”, S02 E05 “Fear Itself”, and S02 E06 “Date with Destiny”.
WHERE: DC Universe! We will be doing the discussion portion of the Watch Along Below!
WHEN: December 8 at 6 pm PST and 9 pm EST.
WHY: To be closer as a community and watch some good ole TITANS shows together.
HOW: Great question- read below!


:point_down:RULES OF THE ROAD​:point_down:

  1. CAN’T WIN IF YOU DON’T PLAY – Teen Titans is available on HBO Max (it may be out of order, so please CHECK THE TITLES OF EPISODES) and also right HERE on DC UNIVERSE
  2. DUAL-WIELDING – Watch-Alongs are best experienced on two devices; Your phone or computer for comments, and your big screen for viewing.
  3. 2, 1 LET’S JAM – Have your clicking finger on the “play” button and ready for action- we’ll be starting at the stroke of the hour!! So right at 6 pm PST/9 PM EST!
  4. A WRINKLE IN TIME – If you get lost in the time, you can calculate where the audience is by checking the minute- For example, it’s 12:15pm PST, then we are 15 minutes into the show…

Contact @CassTheStreet for any questions regarding the WAL. I will answer any questions you have. Also I am human, so if I mess up something just gently let me know. I will fix it :slight_smile:

Love and light to you all!


:raised_hands: glad to read you’re on the mend, and feeling better. Sounds like it was a doozie.


This is tonight at 9 pm EST. I am excited to get back to watching with this wonderful community.


Soon!! We will be watching this soon!!!


About 13 minutes people!

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live in 10!

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Welcome also to the stage, the new co-leader of Titans Together: @Aquamon!! He will be helping me out with running the club. Tonight should be his first WAL with us.


Hey thank you. No need to get formal with an @. “My Liege” is just fine. :hugs:

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For anyone that joins in and is using HBO Max know they are in the same order we will be watching tonight.

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And we are live go go go


I might be a few seconds off. I couldn’t find the remote. :rofl:


Mine buffered for a second so we may be close to the same spot


I’m on Cyborg and the weights.


That is where I am


I’m worried about buffering tonight. The internet has been bad today.


Still my favorite opening! Remember we are watching it.


Since it’s the first eps. you can sync it up with whatever the min past 9 is.


Cyborg needs a pity party. Jeez

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did any of y’all see that TT vs. TTGO movie that came out a little while ago?

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Mine too. But I totally missed it to grab ice cream. :joy:

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