Titans S3 Has Found Their Tim Drake!

Most likely something like this.

Exec: The chart says Tim fans want Tim so use him.

Writer: I do not want to use Tim.

Exec: Just call somebody “Tim.”

Writer: Okay I will just rename Jason. Problem solved.

In the DCAU the writers wanted Jason, but the execs did not want them to kill Robin, so they just used Jason with Tim’s name to appease them. Then they wrote stories about Jason and gave him a fate worse than death.


Ha so true. They both get the short end of the stick sometimes. Either skipped over entirely or combined into one person :roll_eyes:


Sounds awesome™:+1:.
As for the actor think they’ll do great as Tim. As for the Tim backstory I think it’s okay. Stuff gets changed makes the shows a bit different.

(My one thing is Titans seems to be leaning a lot on Gotham characters. I don’t mind it as a Gotham fan but the show is Titans. To many characters lead to a lot of cramming in a show similar to Legends S1 which lead to a smaller cast in S2. Who knows though maybe they’re just building up spin offs this season as that seems to be a big thing with HBOMax.)

In short no matter what’s done I’m going to enjoy the ride and the show​:+1:


I wouldn’t mind set up for potential spin offs. That way we can still focus on core groups of people and give everyone proper screen time instead a large cast.


Interested to see him on the show.

Love that Season 3 is going to be Gotham heavy.


I agree


I’m very happy to see my most fave Robin finally making his first live action appearance yet I have to take notice of showrunners Berlanti, Goldsman, and Johns once again skewering an important character’s already compelling backstory in order to shoehorn them into Titan’s thoroughly skewered collection of backstories and I find it kinda’ troubling. Though not as severely detrimental as Snyder’s decision to kill off Dick Grayson wirhin his JL universe storyline, revising Tim’s history seems unnecessary. But I’m hoping for good things. Yay Tim! Bring on season three!
:00_teen_titans: :ttns_gif_raven_mad: :ttns_rose: :ttns_nightwinging: :ttns_gif_conner: :ttns_gif_donna: :ttns_gif_gar: :ttns_gif_starfire: :ttns_hawk_haha: :ttns_gif_dove::ttns_gif_krypto:


It really is, which makes me think that Blackfire won’t be playing nearly as big a role as we thought, which is disappointing


BTAS tim drake? if they wanted a streat smart kid just use harper rowe or like any other batkid cause tim is kind of the only one from an upper class household


young justice tim was accurate for the 15 minutes he appeared


They briefly mention that the actor has a role in The Batman in this article, but I don’t think they mentioned that we’ve already seen him. He’s one of the painted thugs when Batman’s doing his “I’m vengeance” thing.

Anyway, personally…I can’t say that I hate Tim, but he’s probably my least favorite Robin. Ironically the only times I’ve really liked him is when he is closer to Jason than not. I’m curious to see what they do with him, but I’m hoping that with all these new characters that there will still be time for everyone to have some proper good moments and arcs.


So Titans is going to be more bat centric eh? Can’t say I’m complaining. I would have preferred a comics accurate Tim, but I’m all for live action interpretations.


It is also possible that these are one episode appearances for these Gotham characters. The whole season might not actually be Gotham heavy.

Either way, I’m excited. :batparrot:


I’ve heard that the Red Hood/Gotham conflict is going to be more in the first half of the season (like how the nuclear family was only in the first half of season one) so I’m assuming that the Blackfire conflict is going to grow alongside the Red Hood conflict, but then takes more center stage near the end and the Starfire vs. Blackfire fight hopefully will be worth it and end the season with a bang. Because remember, Kory knows that she’s coming to earth, what she doesn’t know is that she’s already here, so of course it would make sense that Kory would have to somehow find out that her sister is now on earth.


I think so, I think that Savannah Welch is only listed as a guest star at the moment.


This was literally what I thought of when I saw this announcement.


That’s what think too. At least an episode or two.


I could definitely see it working that way, though it’s hardly an ideal alignment. The nice thing about shows w/ reduced episode counts like this compared to the 20-some episodes of network seasons is that they can feel more condensed. I feel like this approach of having 2 big bads/conflicts works better in a network season where you have a lot more space you need to fill. My fear is that neither conflict will end up getting the attention it needs if they’re both being squeezed into a 13-episode season (give or take)


I can see that, I just think about it and I noticed that it’s been the formula that they have been using in the other two seasons.

Another thing I’ve noticed is that all these characters they are bringing in are stuff that people have been asking for online (at least from what I have seen myself). Since the end of season one, many people have said “kill Jason, he’s annoying, we want Red Hood!” We got this earth’s (earth 9) version of Red Hood now. When Connor joined in season two, people started saying “We want Tim, we want to see Tim and Connor be friends” (and a whole lot more that I’m not even gonna address because fans and angry people on Tumblr are too much) and now we have this version of Tim. People are now saying that things are moving too fast and that the Batfam is taking over the show (which I can understand and I feel a bit of the same way, you’re just not gonna see me cry about it on a blog), even when other people would not shut up about it for a while, and now that we are getting these things some are excited, and some are down right determined to let it make them mad, despite it being just a show that they can choose whether to watch or not. It’s a lot… but I’m just waiting to see what the show writers are gonna do to either please everybody or piss them off more, because let’s be honest, its all we really can do.

Apologies if this sounds like a rant, it’s just something that I took notice of and wanted to talk about to get it off my chest.


He looks cool, can’t wait to see Live Action Tim!