Thoughts On Zack Snyder's Opinion With Batman and Superman

I can’t agree with that and I’m not trying to defend Snyder’s work but it’s definitely on the same level of Nolan’s work (which people constantly defend based only on personal bias) and the others Batman films in the past. But I’m confused. The rotten tomatoes score proved what exactly? That his work is bad or that he is unable to take criticism? There are many bad directors who take criticism well and there are many great directors who don’t take criticism well but there are never bad directors who don’t take criticism well… especially when they are successful.

Either way, he didn’t in any way butcher the characters like Nolan, that’s mots|, but personally I thought there was a richness than past Batman films. Going deep into Batman’s lore isn’t really needed though, there was probably alot of content cut just like Justice League and Suicide Squad.

Where did you hear about him having a past with not taking criticism well? And I don’t think he should listen to fans, fans are not successful directors for a reason and fan-films have only but proved this. Joker Rising for example…

Ahhh, he is a special effects guy. Should’ve known. Another reason for people to hate him I guess. Now that I know this, kinda reminds me of the Michael Bay situation where he made good movies and people would hate them for having too much action or whatever.

If he created something that stirs the pot and sparks debate among the community (the hardcore DC folk), then I’d say he was succesdful. He could of went the easy route of pleasing everyone with the “Style over substance” approach but instead he made the movie he wanted to. Kudos to him on that!

Never put complete trust in a review site. Rotten tomatoes and other review collection sites have given good movies bad reviews and bad movies. No different from Metacritic having trolls review and bomb games. If I enjoy a song, albumn, game or movie than that’s proof enough for me if a job well done and I enjoyed BvS. Could care less if it’s 100% accurate to comics because no DC live action Batman movie is and will never be.


… There had to have been a more eloquent way of putting that. It took me several read throughs to understand what on Earth he was trying to say.

That being said, I still disagree with him strongly. Heroes not committing atrocities equates to being in a dream world? I’d think not; that’s what makes them heroes-they were created to be ideals. You don’t have to make heroes dark and gritty and realistic. I mean, there are comics out there like that (good ones at that), but that doesn’t mean you have to take a character and EdgeLord-ify them because otherwise you’re kidding yourself. That’s missing the point of the heroes.


I think we hold judgement till the Snyder Cut is released, then we can circle back.

As far as Batman killing? Dude, he’s had it rough, now he kills. Whatever.


I really have no problem with any portrayal as long as it’s contextualized properly. The movie just didn’t set things right.

Remember: “You can’t rush art.”

I agree that we should wait for the Snyder cut.

Unfortunately, fans are too blinded by assumption and ignorance on what’s really going on and who’s truly responisible, per usual.

Nothing new but pray that this changes someday :frowning: