The Superman Thread

The first thing I wanna talk about is something I haven’t been able to articulate very well for a while, but I’m going to give it a go here. I’ve read a lot of posts about how a certain writer or filmmaker “gets”or (doesn’t get) Superman. These posts usually give me a bit of a pause. Do I get the character? To me Superman is every much this:

as he is this:

and this:

and this:

and this:

and this:

and this:

and this:

I guess you get my drift here. It’s not one facet of the character that defines him for me, but all of it informs my view of the character. Farm boy, investigative reporter, alien, the best of us, idealistic, imperfect, flies!, super powered, kind, stern, fantastical, humble, badass, intimidating, strong, hopeful, brave, loving, lonely, all of it. Which is why I find it easy to enjoy all kinds of Superman stories… from the Christopher Reeve movies to the Snyder movies, from Byrne to Jurgens to All-Star to New 52 to Tomasi to Bendis. Truth, Justice, & The American Way, Symbol of Hope, Man of Tomorrow, The Man of Steel, all great descriptions of a great character. One that I feel has so many layers to peel and sides to explore. Of course some depictions “click” more than others, but I (mostly) enjoy ‘em all. That’s why you hardly see me complain about a Superman story. Yeah, I don’t like it when they make him weaker than I expect. I don’t like it when he’s not given his due in team stories. But I’m more often than not able to get over my criticisms.

Usually after that moment of pause, I think to myself “These folks know what it’s about more than you do, Moro… some big fan you are”. Then again, maybe it’s the fan in me that wants to have a good time with the character, regardless of the interpretation. Or maybe because I got into this hobby later than most comic book fans (I was 31). In any case, just seeing the S & the cape and seeing Superman do Superman things, whether it’s power related or not, is usually enough to give me the warm & fuzzy :slightly_smiling_face:.