The Shy Mod 👀

nice, well, shy ones are the sly ones, and the best :black_heart:


@Don-El If I am not mistaken, @HarleysPuddin is a dude.


Well hello ! :wave:t3::diamonds::black_joker:


Greetings!!! Pleasure to meet you and learn a bit about you :slight_smile:


@WhySoSerious_Lo, I too am an introvert… to a rather extreme extent. I have to fight hard to make myself socialize with people, and you have probably seen how hit and miss that process is. :wink:

I try, it is all I can do. I do love seeing and interacting with the extroverts, but it is so blasted hard to fit in with them. They will never understand this. They have no idea how hard it is to be like us. I envy that, but do wish they could better understand us.

By the way, one of my great grandfathers was born in Chicago. Most of my bloodlines have been in this country so long, it was not even the United States when they arrived, and would not be for some time yet. Over the generations, many of them worked their way west, until they finally made it all the way to the Pacific Northwest. Some of my ancestors even road the Oregon Trail, arriving in Oregon in the early to mid 1800s. Then some of those worked their way north to Washington State, where I would eventually be born. Those were my Swiss ancestors. Just from my grandmothers side of the family, and only part of that branch.

Anyway, there I go rambling on and on again. I may find it hard to socialize with people, but boy can I ramble on about just about anything under the sun, and including the sun, the stars, the galaxies, and so much more, at times. :wink:

Welcome to the DC Universe. I hope you find ways to interact with us over time.



Hey Lo, thank you for your service. :clown_face:


Dory says: “Well hi!” =)

Being shy is fine. I myself used to be quite shy. Some people talk, some people talk way too much and then some people talk when they have something to say and when they don’t, they don’t talk. It’s okay. The world could use more people that temper their talking.

You’re a great moderator and via that, you seem to be a shiny person in general =)


Chicago native? I adore Chicago! I went once during the summer and the weather was GORGEOUS! It was windy so I kept almost losing my hat lol. I keep threatening to move there someday, I just don’t know that I could deal with all the cramped neighborhoods lol XD

And of course Joker is a classic, so you can’t go wrong there :smiley:

Nice to meet you!! <3

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Chicago is super windy, and I love it. One time it was so windy in Chicago that I stood there just falling into the wind, but was still standing practically upright!
It was pretty cool. Haha


@KittyKrawler, the winds in the Columbia River Gorge, along the border between Washing State and Oregon, get rather strong at times too. As a kid, I would lean into the wind, at an angle that would normally have end in a face planted into the sand, but the wind would keep me from falling down. Lifting my jacket up behind my head would make it challenging to even stand in one place, if not impossible to not be blown backward.

It was fun, but when you have long hair, after a time, all that hair being whipped into your face can become aggravating.

There are even some trees along the Columbia River that only have branches on one side of the tree.

They get some pretty bad sand storms in some areas down that way, too. Even so, I have many fond memories of the times I lived down that way.

As for Chicago, I have never been there. The closest I came was to Minnesota and Wisconsin.



Columbia River Gorge sounds way more intense!
And clearly I was missing out by having my windbreaker zipped, instead of billowing behind me. Haha

That sounds like so much fun!

And yes. If your hair is long enough to even reach your forehead, pull/pin it back. Hair-whips in strong winds are quite the buzzkill after awhile. lol


When is WhySoSerious.Lo coming back to post? :slightly_smiling_face:

It’s possible mods come and mods go…it’s hard to say.

I suppose you’re super hyped for the upcoming film then?

OMG! You all are awesome! So sorry for the delay, things have been a bit crazy the past week.


@JLWWSM agree totally. I grew up watching Nicholson so that version means so much to me. Leto was definitely fun to watch, for sure!

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@BatmanOfZur-En-Arrh Hahaha, you are hilarious! I literally love anything the Joker honestly, but “The Killing Joke” was one of the bests to me.

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@Reaganfan78 I am literally kind of torn on how I feel about Joaquin Phoenix… I am not really sold as of yet, so I think his role will sway my feelings on the movie. I do think he is a great actor though! :woman_shrugging:

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@manifest Muahahaha thy shy ones are the best. :raised_hands:

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@Reaganfan78 Why yes, I am such a lady! :dancer:

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