The only thing I don’t like about Titans...

I don’t like the CGI in Titans. I hope this gets fixed for future shows and season 2 of Titans. Everything else is great. Just putting this out there.


Yeah, it’s just too obvious in a lot of scenes. It looks unfinished in some cases. The one moment that stood out to me the most was when young Dick Grayson jumped onto that tree. The CGI was horrendous there.

Also the car crash in Hank and Dawn episode.

Not all that great but eh it’s alright. Not really too terrible

The car crash in Hank and Dawn is getting mentioned a lot in the community board, but I didn’t notice it. It was fine for me.

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The cgi in the car crash scene and Donna Troy jumping was freakin terrible

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Donna Troy jumping was pretty bad. I still don’t see the car crash one though. Maybe it happened too fast for me to really register.

The jumping wasn’t good, that’s for sure. There’s also something I don’t like about the look of BB getting thrown in the promo for next episode but I can’t quite put my finger on what it is - something about the velocity or lack thereof, and his body position/movement. Also there’s something off about the way Kory goes flying when wrapped up by the lasso. The lasso one is easier to write off, since it’s not clear what ‘rules’ that follows.

Could be better but still worse cgi in other shows out there right now

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It’s the budget.

I highly doubt there are enough subscribers here to cover the shows expense/production plus the other shows in the future. I wouldn’t even be suprised if it stays this way.

Hopefully, with that Netflix money, season 2 has better CGI. Either way, it’s not so bad that it makes the show worse. Luckily the story has been pretty good/great.

Most of the time it is ok, but the car crash from above in “Hank and Dawn”… I thought I was playing Grand Theft Auto for a second.

As far as the subscribers, I don’t think there are enough subscribers to cover better CGI. But it seems they are taking a similar approach to what CBS All Access is with the Star Trek shows. Sell them to Netflix in markets that don’t get DCU, then use that money to finance the shows which they put on here and use to draw in more subscirbers. As long as Netflix keeps buying their series, it seems like a valid plan to finance so many new shows. Although some don’t like other countries get the shows without having to pay for more then Netflix while we don’t… but it may be a necessary evil.

I am only on episode 8 what I have seen was really good.