šŸŒ‹ The Lazarus Planet Discussion Thread (SPOILERS) šŸŒ‹

Read Legends Reborn last night. Didnā€™t care for The Question or Raven stories. The other two were entertaining though. City Boy introduces an intriguing new anti-hero-ish character in Gotham with a pet that is made of, I donā€™t know, garbage brought to life by Lazarus rain? In any case, I look forward to both their appearances going forward. My favorite though was the Firestorm story. It was just traditional comic book fun. The artwork was great and so was the action. I didnā€™t know though that Ronnie can combine with anyone like that willie nillie to create Firestorm?

Ok issue overall; my least favorite of the LP books so far. A 6/10.


Well, no one said you had to ignore the devilled eggs I brought! I kid, I kid. Have a pizza!


Iā€™m expecting it to be my favorite story, as I loves me some Firestormā€¦who is really rather overdue for a new ongoing. Maybe heā€™ll get a new solo mag as Dawn of DC unfolds? :man_shrugging:t2:

They werenā€™t ignored, as the dog I donā€™t (and wonā€™t ever) have ate them. I kid, I kid. :slight_smile:

Score! Pizza is, in fact, the breakfast of champions. I thank you, good sir.

tugs on his ā€œWheaties can kiss my feet.ā€ t-shirt while hammering down some morning pie


Hmm. Pizza is the best food TM, but I also really enjoy a good bowl of Wheaties.


I enjoy Wheaties when a smooch of it accompanies a hearty amount of sugar.

Pizza OTOH is always enjoyable, hot or cold. This also applies to spaghetti and fried chicken.


Looks like they decided not to do the Firestorm and Harley Quinn story so that was the reason why they removed Harley Quinn from the cover and replaced her with Gar Logan.


2023 lazarus planet dark fate 1 circuit breaker jules jourdain by A L Kaplan


Wow :heart_eyes:


Do you have a side by side of the two covers?


2023 Lazarus Planet Legends Reborn 1 by Vasco Georgiev


Fascinating stuff! I wish we knew more about the things that went into these decisions.

My LCS says that unfortunately, this event isnā€™t selling well, at least in my city. :frowning:


Did they at least mention their sales of the Superman-based one-shot?



I did not ask my shop owner particulars. I will say, I am personally biased against the event, because as far as I can tell, itā€™s a lot of 10 page teaser non-stories advertising stories that are happening later. So itā€™s commercials DC is expecting us to pay a lot of money for.


I get this criticism, but Iā€™m kind of enjoying it as a slices of DC stuff that I donā€™t normally indulge in.


In the words of Homer Simpson when advised that everyone loves Ned Flanders, ā€œNot me!ā€

Thatā€™s why my Lazarus reads post-We Were Gods became Ultra-flavored and scented.

sits back and takes in a big whiff

Ah, smell that minty-fresh Ultra scent! Its lavender, sage and just a touch of mint, as well. Good stuff, that Ultra scent. :drooling_face:


Well, I still think like an LCS guy, even though Iā€™m also an Ultra guy.

If people are happy to pay for it, thatā€™s good! I just donā€™t think DC has made a good gamble on how many people are.


As Ernie Hudson said in 1995ā€™s best gorilla-themed movie that opened in theaters one week before Batman Forever, ā€œArenā€™t we all?ā€

Sure, my new single issue buying has dramatically dropped since Ultra debuted. However, I do still buy two current titles from Yon Comic Shoppe, to say nothing of the back issues I yoink on occasion.


I feel like Iā€™ve drank the cool-aid a bit with DC lately. I havenā€™t been this excited about the comics since I jumped on in 2011.

  • Ultra has made the monthly habit more fun for me. I still subscribe digitally to Superman related stuff and whatever event they have going on. The savings allow me to indulge in a small, physical collection of Superman comics, variants included.
  • Something about this relaunch feels fresh to me. Iā€™m actually interested in (digitally) picking up books like Green Arrow, Cyborg, and Titans as their #1s drop.
  • The current focus on Superman is a breath of fresh air for this fan. I know the Batman stuff is inevitably coming, and I love Batman, but it feels like interest in Supes is more palatable now than itā€™s been in a while.

Sorry, I veered off topic :slightly_smiling_face:.


Never apologize, as your points are, in fact, on-point.


Just read Dark Fates. There was 1 short that I really liked with the Doom Patrol. It has me interested in checking out their series coming out next month, thanks in no small part to Chris Burnhamā€™s art. Spirit World was ok; the depiction of the spirit world at the end has me intrigued enough to check it out on Ultra. The other two shorts, featuring Huntress and Circuit Breaker, I didnā€™t care for much (I had no idea what the heck was happening in the latter).

I feel like the event started strong out the gate, but got weaker with every passing one-shot. I think @millernumber1 has a point regarding the lack of an overall narrative that ties all this together. Hope Lazarus Planet: Omega ends things on a high note next week.