:justice_league_book_club: The Justice League Book Club Returns with Bryan Hitch's Justice League of America :justice_league_book_club:

I remember the Rebirth run being decent – maybe not top five best, but not deserving as much derision I’ve seen online about it. Honestly, I think a fair chunk of it was shippers/people wanting things back The Way Things Were upset that Barry Allen was briefly dating Jessica Cruz.


Once again, I absolutely agree.

Hitch’s Rebirth Justice League was a lot of fun! People complain and say they want a fun series, and then they get one and they ***** and moan. :facepalm_catwoman:

I honestly don’t see why anyone would be upset with this. In fact, I thought it was a nifty pairing, and something new and fresh for Barry.

It sure would be nice to see Jess back in a core/main Justice League title, that’s for sure.

But…at least we have her appearances in the New 52 and Rebirth volumes of Justice League, along with Green Lanterns and Justice League Odyssey (pound for pound, my fav Post-Metal JL title) until she returns to the spotlight that she deserves to be in.


I have not. Then again, I thought this was a different volume, which I have not read all of either… (See above posts for evidence of this)

I have read issues 1-5 and plan to finish up tomorrow. My favorite issue of the first 5 comics would be issue 1.

Hitch definitely got his Sarah McLachlan on and built quite the mystery in that first issue. Who was that group of people that released Parasite on the JLA and were building a collection of Superman corpses? As the series moves forward we get a few hints but still no complete answers.

Super Powers! While it might not be an official Justice League of America title, it did feature the JLA. This Kirby gem is often overlooked but it is a fun read and worth seeking out on DCUI.

:large_blue_circle: Discuss anything else about this series that comes to your heroic mind. :superman_hv_4:
Issue 2 gave me creepy televangelist vibes. Rao was doing his best Oprah and being all like “You are healed, you are healed, everybody is healed!” Meanwhile, Batman is doing his best Batman. This does bring in questions of faith and religion which is an interesting topic to find in a superhero comic.


YES, my friend, YES!
:fist_right:t2: :fist_left:t2:

Not only do I love Super Powers-branded toys and merch, but the comics are a lot of fun, too.

You’re right in that the SP comics are often overlooked. One hopes that our mention of them could possibly spur others to check them out.

For any curious, Super Powers volumes 1, 2 and 4 are in our library (volume 3 isn’t yet available in digital). Volumes 1 and 2 are those that Kirby had involvement with, while volume 4 is from 2016 or so, and does its own thing seperate from the previous volumes.

Excellent highlight sir, and I’m glad you’ve enjoyed Hitch’s JLA thus far. Please chime in once you finish the series. :superman_hv_4:


I have finished the last half of the series/story. A few quick thoughts:

Cinematic scope. The story kept growing until it finished. The ending, while it was there, didn’t feel exactly like an ending. I know it was teasing what was to come but it felt out of place.

While this was very much a JLA story, it felt like a Superman story with the JLA as the supporting cast. Overall, this is an enjoyable story but I would have liked more of this series. I know the limitations of the New 52/DC You era was supposedly always to have an end date (something that I highly doubt but it was a good out).


Can Hitch cook on that level, or can he cook?

The guy made “widescreen action and adventure” a common phrase among us comic geeks, and for good measure. He just fills the page with a ton of cool action that really pulls you into the story.

There were times where I thought that, too. As a Superman nerd, I was a-okay with it, though. :grin:

Issues 11 and 12, along with Annual #1 were solicited, then rescheduled and finally, cancelled.

I would have liked to have read what happened in those books, and…I’d also like to know what happened to the scripts (and any artwork, if any was complete prior to the cancellations) themselves.

Maybe one day they can be repurposed and see the light of day?

Thanks for chiming in, @D4RK5TARZ! Always happy to see you stop by.
:fist_right:t2: :fist_left:t2:


Now that I think about it…I don’t think they ever address it in this series, unless I had a case of brain-fog and missed it. They could have also been addressed in Hitch’s Rebirth run.



I don’t recall any mention of who released Parasite in this book over in that book, but it has been a few years since I last read the Rebirth JL.

“No time like the present then, right?”

Pre-cisely! :superman_hv_4:

notes that he was looking for an excuse to re-read Hitch’s Rebirth JL and has now found one

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