:00_flash:The Flash Season 9 Discussion Thread:00_flash:

I may have to watch the finale a couple more times to really process it.
That said, I really enjoyed it and an at least say that (for me, anyway) the show went out on a comparative high note.
A few things….

I wish Jay had taken out Zoom.
I had this whole scene set up in my head where Zoom has Barry at his mercy and just as he’s about to deliver a killing blow, JWS says, “I Realize how an unhappy childhood probably led you to all this…. But that’s really no excuse!” And then Jay slugs Zoom and Zoom dissipates.

Speed Force Nora. If the negative Speed Force resurrected Eddie then it stands only to reason that Speed Force Nora is in fact, Barry’s actual mother resurrected as well. Also it has a certain connection to the comics as Barry had a little moment in Flash 762 where he talks to his mother’s spirit.

I actually expected Thawne to kill Allegra. As soon as Chester saw her smiling face come into focus. Not that I wanted it to happen but it was that kind of moment.

Well, that’s all for now.


I remember asking a similar question about the other forces a couple years ago:

“Force” logic, or the lack thereof, in this show has made my head hurt since then.


I liked the finale. The only question remaining, does Superman & Lois pass it for my favorite Arrowverse show.

some notes

“A trick I picked up from Earth 90 Flash”, by looking in the mirror I presume :smiley:

I just wish I could have seen Chunk use his power once

I was really happy to see the Flash powers moved on to Max, Avery and Jesse

The last season should have been six episodes tops

Unseen scene: movie Barry shows up outside the window and The Monitor tells him to scram. This Barry gets a happy ending, go screw up another timeline.


In some ways I was disappointed in the Flash finale. In some ways I wasn’t.

On the one hand, there were things I liked. I liked seeing Jay again and that he got to take part in the fight. And I thought it was cool Eddie gathered the other speedsters who have fought Barry through the years. I liked the birth of Nora. I also like Joe and Cecille are getting married, although some how I forgot that they weren’t!. I also liked that Caitlin is back. As to what I didn’t like, I thought the finale felt rushed. I thought the evil speedsters were taken out too easily.

Anyway, over all this season was disappointing, although I think The Flash had been going downhill for some time. There was way too much filler, and I didn’t care for the Red Death storyline very much.And too much time was spent on characters I am really not invested in (Allegra and Chester). The only episode that really impressed me this season was the one with Oliver, which really would have made a good series finale given this is the last we’ll see of the Arrowverse.


I love that you’re not the only one. :smile:
From what I seen from here and on YouTube most people were genuinely surprised when Joe proposed as most assumed they were married.


That’s actually not in the Arrowverse. The season 2 finale confirmed it takes place on a different earth


I’m lumping it in with the others whether you like it or not.


My final review of The Flash…

So, a piece of my childhood ended today, as I watched the finale this morning before heading out for graduation. Does it suck that I got to say goodbye to another show I enjoyed growing up? Yes! Am I happy it finally ended though? YES!

I really loved The Flash in it’s earlier seasons and then by the time season 6 wrapped up, I was like, “Quality has dipped badly” and then it just got worse as the seasons went by, and unfortunately, I’m still saying the same thing with this final season. I have never skipped the majority of a season of any tv series, until this. I had only watched 7 episodes of this season, because everything else that I had skipped out on were focused on characters I do not care about, and some of you have already heard me express my thoughts on those characters, so I’m not getting back into that. For those that maybe missed those thoughts, let me just say that those other DC shows were cancelled for a reason.

Except Stargirl, I love that show :stargirl:

So, I didn’t get into this episode with high expectations and I wasn’t expecting anything grand or huge, but I will say that it was satisfying enough. Not a bad ending, but also not a great one. It’s just kinda there. The episode was very predictable, and nothing about this surprised me.

-The villains. That got spoiled for me WEEKS before the halfway point of the season due to catching set photos of the rogue’s gallery lined up by the water. I thought the villains were going to be the best part of this finale, and they weren’t. They felt very, very weak, and completely useless.

-The final battle was very disappointing. I really wanted to see a moment where it was just Barry alone, (maybe with Jay or Wally), fight against all the other speedsters brought back. Have that one moment where Barry is struggling to fight against all his enemies alone, and make that final battle a true, speedster-only event. Instead it was just everybody running around for 1 minute and watch Cecil mind-tap and defeat Godspeed(s) in 10 seconds.

-The stakes didn’t feel very high compared to previous seasons. I don’t care how convincing the acting is, or how much more red lightning you throw in the sky, the weight of the situation just did not feel heavy in any way possible. It felt very rushed, and I feel a lot of opportunities were missed.

What I liked

-The finale moments of this episode were the best. Joe & Cecil finally getting married, Iris & Barry giving birth to Nora, and Caitlin came back. Caitlin coming back was one of the only two things about this episode that made me smile. I liked the narration that Barry did at the start and end of the episode, of course it being a throwback to the series premiere. It makes you see the opening moments of the show from a different perspective and I like that. I always enjoy seeing throwbacks of the beginning. The dinosaur book was also a good nod to Nora (Barry’s mom). The final minutes were just as how I expected it to go, but it was satisfying enough to know that the show ends on a happy note.

Final thoughts

The Flash was the talk when I was in junior high, and I always heard a lot other classmates talk about how good it is, and it makes me wonder how many of them fell off the running track with this show, as the years went by. It sucks to see how much of a dip in quality the show has experienced, and I really only stuck around these last few seasons so I wouldn’t feel like I missed out before the finale. Grant Gustin did a great job as Barry Allen/Flash, but I’m glad he too wanted to pull the plug on the show. In all honesty, I did have a good time with the series, for the most part.

I’m not just talking about this show, but today definitely felt like a new day for new things, and I think the Flash ending at this point in my life was a bit of a funny coincidence but has the symbolism of me moving on with life… or should I say running toward new things.

So long, Flash :theflash: :theflash:


I haven’t watched the finale yet, but before I do, I need someone to tell me if any of the villains had good lines or moments, especially Thawne?


For nine years, I have watched every episode of this show. I loved the first season. I have loved and hated subsequent seasons. There have been sublime episodes. There have been weak episodes. Sometimes the CGI has been atrocious. Sometimes the “science” has been eye-rollingly bad. The writing has sparkled and it has sucked. It has been a long, strange trip.

The final episode lacked in some significant ways. Carlos Valdez’s absence was palpable.

But…and it’s a big but*…the finale put a bow on the whole 9 year run. I am thankful for the entertainment this show has provided. I raise a toast to the writers, the actors, the crew, and everyone associated with this production. Well done, well done.

And it was nice to see the time wraiths referenced again. I thought that ball had been dropped forever.

*I like big buts.


Your post made for a great read. It hadn’t occurred to me that the show has been on long enough to represent some continuity in constantly-evolving young lives - and congratulations on graduating!


LOL! Yeah, they needed an episode where the Flash goes back in time and learns that these associates of his were bizarrely responsible for the creation of the fast-forward button on TV remotes.

I keep hoping it turns out to be part of some master plan where the Arrowverse shows have a great future in syndication by re-running them as half-hour episodes that eliminate the “let’s talk about what is bothering me” scenes


The Finale

Awesome™:+1: end
Not perfect but nice.

The team beats the returning foes. Pretty cool fight. Chillblain kind of did nothing though :sweat_smile:. But in the end peace wins which was nice.

Nora is born. Adorable baby. And Nora sees her own birth. Why not :laughing:. Wells pops up again which was nice. We say goodbye to Kihone and Caitlin is back nice. And Joe proposed like many forgot they weren’t married.

Then the end. Sharing the power was cool. Saw Avery again and Jess and Max getting some small but nice cameos. And run to the sunset. Nice.

Overall a cool season. Enjoyed red death more or less. Was nice to see them bring a reference I thought would never make it in but they did. And some other fun stuff and an end saga. Not perfect no but fun and nostalgic as 9 year journey ends.

Arrowverse ends too. The flash got me into it as I didn’t know Arrow was about green arrow so never watched it (but when I did let to a fun 4 season binge :sweat_smile:). But to see this universe grow and expand like never bed adapting so many stories. Heck crisis got a tv adaptation. They got to use bat stuff. And even Superman was essential to it. Heck Wonder Woman even got teases. They created new and exciting characters and adaptations. And brought many no one ever thought would see to the screen. Like I said wasn’t always perfect (legends cliffhanger :cry:) but created so many of the dc and comic fans we see today. Gave us a dc universe in a time when the films were struggling to do so. Crazy to think that this started for me back in middle school. Thanks for all the weekly fun and adventure Arrowverse hopefully maybe one day in some comics or multiversal adventure you can pop up again.


Like Cecile being able to fly when there were absolutely no signs of that!! This show really butchered that character, they gave her every power and hope it would stick, it’s pathetic.


No! They didn’t give her laser eyes! *Looks at CBR on phone * WHAT THE FU-


I think you are right. The Flash really did decline in quality over the years. I think I really noticed it with season 6. Still, I have watched every episode and I will miss it. Regardless of the quality of the later seasons, it was a remarkable achievement.


I loved the finale! I think it had a very good ending and i am very sad to see the arrowverse end, it was truly amazing!


I was scrolling through Facebook the other day and came up on a clip from the Truman Show starring Jim Carrey and it reminded me of how that film ended.
Our hero goes off into the world to start a new life and everyone who has been watching since he was born is suddenly left with “well, now what?”
That’s kind of the feeling I have TV wise.
I’ve been watching this for so long and now that it’s over I have to start channel-surfing again.


Thawne had one funny line, making fun of Eddie that he’s the dumbest member of the family tree. That made me laugh. I can tell you though, the dialogue from all the villains were pretty damn cliche & corny.


That threw me off. I was like, “Where the hell did that come from?” That one-liner after defeating Godspeed made me cringe though, ngl

Who knows? If Superman & Lois continues after S3, we may get a Flash or Stargirl crossover. It hurts when you look back to where you were then and now, and see a big of your childhood end. Just like you, the Arrowverse started as I was in my first year of middle school/junior high

Thank you for both the comment and the congrats.