thank you DC universe

Just wanted to give a quick thanks to the DC universe team and app. I commute just about 5 hours and 20 minutes daily and this app really makes it bearable. I have shows I can download and watch on the train and catch up on comics I’ve missed in the past. As a huge DC fan I’m very grateful we finally have something like this. While there are things can could be improved or added I’m sure we will see this app grow exponentially in the future.

Thanks DCUniverse team!


We are super happy that we make your day a little better, @reload. I will be sure to pass your appreciation on to the rest of our team and our fearless leader @Applejack! <3 :slight_smile:


Holy rusted metal Batman, that is one heck of a commute! I salute you in endearing that day after day. Seriously. salutes