Teen Titans Performers

Look, I think the show overall is pretty good. I just think that Rachel (Raven) is the absolute worst actress DC could’ve found. The other actors and actresses aren’t that great either, but they’re better than Raven. I just don’t understand why they gave the lead role to the worst performer. I get that she’s about fourteen and she’s young, but I personally know fourteen year olds that are better performers than her! Why did DC go cheap instead of putting a little extra money into finding a better actress. I’m not asking them to replace all of the actors and actresses with better ones, even though that would definitely make me want to watch the TV show more, but why couldn’t they put in a little bit of effort in finding a “Raven”. Am I the only one that can’t help but cringe my way through each episode? Also, why is Starfire dressed like a prostitute the entire season, SHE DOESN’T HAVE TIME TO CHANGE!?!?!?!?

Lol the girl who plays Raven is like 13 in real life, cut her some slack, I’m sure it’s like her first major acting gig.

I think shes doing excellent


I also think Teagan is doing great…
I can’t disagree with your statement regarding Kori

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My only problem with Teagan is how often her character cries. Literally every episode. I’ll admit, that might not be on her, but it does annoy me.

I actually feel raven is pretty good not sure I understand your opinion?


the Raven character cries about as much as I’d expect a lonely, tormented, frightened, orphaned demon girl that’s discovering who and what she really is, to cry. a lot of the Raven jump scare stuff has gotten me pretty good. Teagan is a stand out for sure and they’re right to make her one of the focal points of this growing universe


I liked the show, and have no complaints about the cast. I am hoping though, that the Titans becomes less brutal in time, as the characters gain more control over their personal issues.


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I like Raven. She is young, but if she were older the interest Dick expresses in the beginning episodes might seem kind of weird. Here it seems more big brotherly or fatherly. I think she is sweet. Also it gives her room to grow with the show.