Swap Thing sucks change my mind I dare you!

How do you call the show Swap Thing smh. Wtf wyd DC, the latest episode was 45 mins long and Swap Thing had less than 10 mins on screen. The series has been so disappointing I don’t know or understand how ppl are praising it ughhhhh. DC ruining my childhood again smh.


The title is a bit misleading. It’s more of a drama series that occasionally features Swamp Thing. Personally, I’m fine with that approach. Unfortunately, the drama hasn’t pulled me in yet. I don’t think it’s bad, but I don’t think it’s as good as everyone is saying it is. That’s just my opinion though. I do have one question: how is the show ruining your childhood? You may not be enjoying it, but there’s nothing that should offend Swamp Thing fans as far as I can see.


I have no intentions of changing your mind if you don’t like it you don’t like it


That’s why he’s Swap Thing: His power is to get his screentime swapped out for other people.


Swamp Thing is good wash my car I dare you!


But yes it is disappointing as Swamp Thing doesn’t have more screen time

I’m also confused about why do they only go in a swamp at night

Or is it that the swamp is so dense it always looks like night

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My least favorite show never read Alon Moore loved Scott Snyder run with Lemeire.

Titans is my absolute favorite.

My least favorite show never read Alon Moore loved Scott Snyder run with Lemeire.

Titans is my absolute favorite.

Swamp Thing was in ten minutes of the last episode? His screen time
Must be going up.


I like it but I don’t love it.

Nowhere near as good as Doom Patrol but I like it better than Titans.


Swamp Thing getting so little screen time is mostly (I would assume) a budget issue, Even with their budget they probably can’t afford to have him on screen predominantly, hence Abby is the actual star of the show. From what I remember in the 90’s show he was often not featured heavily. I do find it a problem though, even though I understand the issue I don’t think they have the best footage to make up for it with the CDC and town polotics stuff taking up most of most episodes. I don’t dislike the show, but will admit it is my least favorite of the DCU originals and don’t agree with the sentiment so many have that DC cancelled the next Game of Thrones or something. I think some people propped it up once it was cancelled so quickly, although it got praise the first episode before it’s cancellation was announced, so maybe I just am not getting it as well as most seem to.

It’s ok, but not great. I’m actually glad it was cancelled, now they might have the money to do two shows in it’s place.


I would say the show is pretty good myself but that doesn’t mean you have to like it man I mean Im not a huge fan of Titans but I wouldn’t say it sucks but that doesn’t mean you can’t love it or like it

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I gave up on the show after episode 6 it got boring real fast hopefully they can put that money Into improving the animation for S4


Cancellation of your subscription is not exactly the smart thing to do, unless you subscribed for ONE SHOW.

I am on very limited income, and I’m getting my money’s worth.

I subscribed for the best superhero animation around, and DOOM PATROL was a wonderful surprise. SWAMP THING is sad that the suits cut the funding.

Nobody at DCU had anything to do with the show’s cancellation.

Calm down.

Can’t believe I threw a fit after Swamp Thing got cancelled. Show is boring. Honestly, I’m glad it’s gone.



Finally, a convert. I was disappointed too when I heard it was canceled. The pilot was promising and I was hopeful for the first few episodes, but holy crap has it squandered all its potential to a mind blowing degree. I don’t see how the show can have as many fans as it does and I kind of wonder if it’s just outrage culture mixed with stubbornness.


Its hard to take this seriously when you cant even spell swamp


we dont even have batman and TMNT movie available . this app suks

@TheHelloThereDude, read Alan Moore and you’ll understand where they were going with the show. Essentially everything up to now has been setup mirroring somewhat the original Len Wein concept, leading to The Anatomy Lesson next week where everything should change.

Unfortunately, the sets have been torn down; there’s no show left to restart.