survey complaint

There are more than two genders, DC. If you’re not going to acknowledge that in something as simple as a survey, at least give people the option to choose “prefer not to say.” Don’t lock me into choosing male or female, because it’s really not your business to begin with, you jerks. I can’t even show a screenshot because this busted forum only accepts image urls. C’mon, do better.


You’re making us give marketable information for without compensation with no option to opt out we they want any chance at complaining to you people. I know when my information is being sold. Why do you need to know the exact age AND gender of myself and my partner who also shares this app?

Wait…what?..have you been forced to take a survey? I’ve not not run into this problem. Is this in the sign up info? You want to get compensated for signing up? Or taking a survey? I don’t understand. It is frustrating to post pics but this is kind of new maybe they will change that down the road. Or perhaps they make you go thru another site to help them filter content. What are you trying to post? why don’t you want another site to see it? Free advice. If a survey offends you maybe don’t take it. I hope this was helpful.


I wasn’t forced to take the survey. But if you don’t put in one or the other gender, it will not let you move forward. Silencing my voice and my opinion about this service. Having to do this causes a lot of emotional distress for people. But thanks for saying that I should just get over myself. I’ll get right on that.

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I was complaining that I could not show screenshots of DCU’s “How’re we doing?” Survey and the error messages it gave when I tried not to answer what my gender was. Just add “prefer not to answer” simple as that.

It isn’t the act of seeing that causes that issue for some people. It’s being told to identify as something you’re not, which might seem like a small hassle when you don’t consider the countless other day to day moments where we are told varying forms of “you’re crazy for thinking you’re anything but what’s in your pants.”

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No one is bothered by “oh my god, two genders.” It’s being told you effectively don’t exist, even if it’s just by passing negligence. But yeah, I sucked it up and put my “real” gender.


For some people it’s as simple as “I don’t want to have to really think about my gender when giving feedback for a comic book service. I already deal with my gender via the danger of being murdered in my day to day life.”

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???.. ok…for the record I didn’t say get over yourself…as for the rest of that…it doesn’t make any sense. But if you want to post a screen shot you can do that. Just upload it to tiny pic then copy and past the link to add image spot in your comment and boom pic shared. It is a little inconvenient but not a huge deal. I hope this was helpful.
Now, if you believe someone is trying to kill you. That is a police matter. I would file a restraining order right away. If you don’t know who this person is I would recommend a firearm or pepper spray, beefing up home security. You absolutely have the right to protect your life and the lives of your loved ones. Again I hope this was helpful

Doc you’re misunderstanding me. I’m not in danger right this second. I’m trying to explain that trans people spend a lot of time in fear for their lives and police are really not the people to expect help from. I was speaking in hypotheticals to make a point.

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Oh ok. That makes more sense. Then to answer your survey question. I believe that they are asking what is on your birth certificate, drivers license, or state ID. Not whom you prefer to date. I hope this was helpful.

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