Suicide Squad was a good movie and made good net profit

After seeing SS, my brother said that for all BvS’ faults, it was at least a structured movie. Suicide Squad, not so much, and it’s not hard to see why he’d say that:
Characters don’t really grow or go through any kind of journey, they just fight together and suddenly change their minds with little reason behind it. They try to ennoble Deadshot by giving him a daughter to dote upon, but then he says that his profession prevents emotional attachment. Diablo just decides that a bunch of other convicts are now his family because he needs to use his flames. Ripcord or whatever his name was, was just there to die, Harley was there to appeal to her fans in two ways, her mere presence, and being in her underwear-slash-bending over in short pants. Boomerang’s “unicorn fetish” felt like a desperate attempt to emulate Deadpool. Katana is there so they can use another obscure character. Enchantress–ugh, Enchantress. So much wrong here beyond her awkward belly-dancing I can’t bring myself to elaborate without watching the movie again, and I really don’t feel like doing that.

Gangsta Joker? No thank you. Leto’s antics to “get into character” certain didn’t help.

The story barely holds itself together. The characters form a bond from basically nothing. Harley’s line about them being “bad guys” and how they should own it, sort of falls flat when their deepest desires are for a chance at normality (not all of them, granted).
I will say that Croc’s make-up was done very well, and in many ways it was more entertaining than BvS or MoS–though let’s face it, those aren’t exactly high bars to begin with. I would not say it’s a “good movie”, regardless of its net profits. Though, that isn’t to say a sequel can’t be better.

Sure it made money, but that doesn’t mean that it resonated with audiences.


I’d say there’s just as many people who liked it as ones who didn’t.


It was #1 box office for 3 weeks and #2 for the following 3 weeks and was in US theatres for over 3 months solid. It obviously resonated with some audiences.

You don’t make 3/4s of a billion in box office revenue with a property most non-comics movie goers have never heard of without resonating with some audiences.


@DeSade-acolyte YESSSS! And It’s financial success wasnt top heavy either. That sucker was earning big 2 months after it premiered. I recently watched it again and is truly is a really good movie! I think what turned a lot of critics off was the movies “Big Bad.” I can understand that bro and sis weirdo witches were kinda generic. Even so that shouldntve dulled them to the rest of the movie. Will Smith was freakin’ fantastic as Deadshot and it really sucks he’s not reprising the role for the sequel. El Diablo came out of nowhere and stole the show. Jay Hernandez was awesome in the role and did an incredible job! Jai Courtney’s a good actor but Boomer seemed outta place, but still fun in some parts. Croc was criminally underused and that fact better be remedied for the sequel. Of course Margot Robbie and Viola Davis WERE Harley Harley & Waller. To claim they “nailed it,” would still be doing them a disservice! The action, pacing, humor were all top notch in in my opinion. I can safely say its in my top 5 DC movies and Top 10 comic movies!

Thank you for creating this thread!