Stargirl S1, E12 Reaction Thread - 🚨 WARNING! SPOILERS AHEAD 🚨

Also I love that the bad-guys new constitution is really a bunch of ideas that appeal to a younger generation.

That gives them
A big pause.

Sports Master and Huntress have did a foolish thing…their constant failures will get them on Brainwaves bad side.


Happy Birthday @reload! Hope you had a great Birthday! :partying_face::birthday::tada:
As for tonight episode, that was really good, I was thrill to see Pat vs. Larry the Crusher! And what Mikey did, gotta hurt!:slightly_smiling_face:
Can’t wait for season finale next week.


“Uh Pat, are we sure we’re on the right side here?”

I loved it! the bad guys are trying to take over the world to end all ism’s, global warming, dependency on fossil fuels, and instate universal healthcare.

These are evil overlords I could see working for.

Sports Master and Tigress have shown, you don’t talk about their daughter and live. I figured something like that would happen as soon as the Fiddler opened her mouth. But you’re right, neither Brainwave or Icicle will be thrilled with this.


Mike finally knows! Also good on the drill there old chum!

Mike still isn’t being treated fairly though. He only found out after he had to save Pat.

Mike is dog sitting?! Seriously? He has to do something big next episode! Right?

The paper route has to come into play no? Maybe he will actually get the pen? He can ride his bike from the route back home. Or maybe he will use his skills of throwing papers on to lawns to throw the staff? Or maybe a spear?

I still think Mike should be Stripesy, although I wouldn’t mind Mike Thunder too much, as long as it’s temporary.



Thanks, really appreciate it. I got some DC goodies As gifts so it was great plus I got to watch star girl


I couldn’t stop thinking about that!


Oh and Mike isn’t fully developed and being the youngest he is most likely to be the most likely to not get mind controlled even if Brainwave enhances his power.


Or ride the dog…


Loved this episode, so glad Mike finally knows everything. But he was kinda pissing me off when Pat was trying to explain everything to him.

It’s like- you want to know what’s going on, your dad just said he’s going to tell you everything… why are you still complaining and acting like a little sh–?

The whole conversation between Mike and Courtney has me wondering what is going to pick him (I know something is now) and when? Courtney had both the Thunderbolt and the Green Lantern in her stuff still, will one of them call to him? Or will the Helmet of Nabu make a special trip to him?

The whole ‘adults getting mind controlled’ thing was a nice touch. As soon as they said it I had a feeling Pat and the others were going to be shut down for this fight… If not taking the ISA’s side. Poor kids not only lost three people, they potentially have three hostiles standing next to them.

Gotta wonder what’s gonna happen with the Fiddler’s kid, Brainwave Jr’s mind being inside his dads, Artemis, Cindy and Cameron?

Which kids will follow their parents footsteps? Who will follow their own morals? Will they end up in their own mini-ISA?

What will Mike become when his time comes? Who else will end up joining the new JSA? How much of the ISA’s plan succeeded?

Those are some awesome threads to potentially leave for next season.

Can’t wait to see the finale! This show’s writers are amazing.


Well the dog is apparently a “noble steed”.


Originally shining knight ep was my favorite now this one is

How come the machine doesnt affect the isa?

I got three theories on howcto fix this

1 the shade a sometimes villan sometimes does good sees the isas plans as a threat to opal city and comes to help more and more reports out there say shade is srason 2

2 dragon kings minions are the mind controlled supposadly dead jsa or the seven soldiers

3 btainwave jr is not dead or his mind is in his dads head waiting

Last point wheres the horse


I too thought that looks so much like cerebro


Fiddler died way too early. I wish Jordan/Icicle was in the episode more. Otherwise that, great start to the two part season finale. Can’t wait for next week.


Good episode.

Going for the cerebro design was a huge mistake. It broke the suspension of disbelief for me and brought me out of the flow of the episode. Unnecessary.

It was frustrating that one of the world’s greatest minds would use a 4 digit secret key on a crypto solvable by hand. It would take a computer less than a second to brute force if he had went to for instance Dr Midnighter with his algorithm.

I love that they were teasing us that Justin would come with some ancient wisdom to solve the issue of the secret key, and then he just walks off to clean the toilets :grin:



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I think Mike and Dog stowed away on Stripe and he definitely will be driving Stripe in Part II!

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Yep! The dog-sitting job has to pay off somehow! Just like how the paper trail has to pay off.

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Yeah. I don’t know who came up with the design first in the comics, but that look is too associated with X now to use. Having a mind amplifier looking like that is like trying to sell of a time machine in the shape of a Delorean as something not totally ripped off. :grimacing:


I love how the ISA’s constitution was for beneficial things that most people would consider good and morally right. It’s a perfect example of how the ends never justify the means. If reaching that goal involves taking away people’s free will and killing around 25 million people, its still evil.


I chuckled when the Gambler, of all characters, pulled an “Ozymandias” on everyone with the countdown. On further thought the Watchmen comparison goes deeper.

The ISA seems to have a way to stop climate catastrophe like Ozy had a way stop nuclear armageddon. The moral tradeoff is even nastier though, a much higher body count than the “Squid” incident and the survivors are mindless puppets.