So let’s talk about the first Ep of Titans...

I get it. “Don’t judge the first ep”, “Be more considerate”, “You can’t make anyone happy”, I apologize but seriously. What the hell was that? Dick & Garfield? Perfecto. Raven & Kori? We gotta stop ya there… now I’m actually a lil more chill than others. The actors did an amazing job (for what they were paid to do) and personally, I like who they chose, but how they created Raven, Starfire, & Robin’s personality is honestly what a edgy 13 year old emo would create on Wattpad. Starfire is a flame thrower, mafia gangster, when she’s a kind, gentle girl who is usually lost. Raven’s like those 7th graders who feel like they have a personality disorder and hates it when she receives Mac and cheese; this chick isn’t even half bad in the original series. And Dick? Yea… I’m not even gonna go there… What I’m trying to say here is that, stop making DC do the ultimate spooky wooky darkness thing when you could have created a joyful series with awesome fight scenes. Y’all should’ve done a bamboozle on everyone like, “Dark and Scary? Nah we only know Friendship and Teamwork (with a lil love between workers)”. Tho, I’m not gonna stop at the first episode & you shouldn’t either. Yea I’m bashing the show but they honestly should’ve done like 2 open ep. at least. I hope they bring in lil things from the original cartoon and show that they know where their fans came from. Catch y’all later on the next one!

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Starfire is only gentle in the Teen Titans cartoons. In the comics, she was a trained killer that would get frustrated that Dick wouldn’t let her be more violent. It was dark and scary like you said. But there were also parts that they pulled from the show. I mean, Raven sitting there eating cereal. That would never happen in the comics. But probably would in TT or TTGo.


They should never make a series based off the silly cartoons that are nothing like the comics.


One of the reasons why I find the Teen Titans cartoons overrated. First one is good but they aren’t the definitive Titans outside the comics. It should have been obvious given the tone and style of the shows. Plus the main targeted audience are kids and that’s why they had Deathstroke named just Slade

Overall, I liked the show. The story, so far, is engaging and entertaining.

But was a little concerned that Starfire was so psychotic. She was actually happy about roasting those guys. Admittedly, my main impression of the Teen Titans is from the cartoons, so I expected her to be a little ditzy and naive.

I also thought Robin was too violent. Of course, he’s used to kicking butt alongside Batman. But that first fight scene of his, pretty sure he killed at least one guy.

Even though it’s unrealistic (considering he’s a cop in this version), I’d prefer he stick to Batman’s no-killing rule.

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For the last time, he didn’t kill anybody. Watch it again!

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I’m confused. I just rewatched & I know all the guys he beat on were still moving when he turned, but that last guy in the car. He slides his head across the car glass shards of the broken window, then pulls him out the door & stomps him repeatedly or kicks. Either way they show the guy begin to go limp & his hand hit the ground. Figured he died because Robin probably caused internal bleeding & they never showed him move again or breathing like the others. Again if he wasn’t killed then I’m confused lol

I enjoyed the show, and I think that everyone did a great job, lots of mysteries are showing up right now, and it is only the beginning. The thing about these shows that people tend to forget is that they all don’t have to come from the same mold as the original comics. This is another universe, one where everyone is slightly different than what everyone is used too. Besides, this isn’t the first time that they’ve changed the background story of the Teen Titans (though this show is called Titans, so not all of them are teenagers anymore), for in Earth-One Teen Titans story, the team (minus Robin) consisting of Cyborg, Beast Boy, Jericho, Terra were all part of a superweapon experiment created by ARGUS based on Starfire’s DNA (and in this story they made her look more alien than human), and Raven is part of a native tribe with mystical powers.

So just treat this story as an Elseworld story, no doubt it might be the same with Doom Patrol and Swamp Thing. Plus it still early in the show, and right now, we are only seeing certain mystery plots that are just only popping up right now, so in time the story and plot will build.

They did show the main guy breathing and turn his head when they did the slow motion for Dick’s reaction after moving the staff away


Thanks lol Well going forward the show hopefully will show it better. The guy looked like he took his last breath & just died in the final shot. Apparently I’m not the only one that thought that. So thanks again, I see your right & again hopefully the show will give some of us better ways of telling.

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Yeah fair enough

I enjoyed the premiere episode of Titans and am looking forward to seeing how the central plot around Raven progresses along with character development. It seems a lot of people are complaining about various aspects of the show. Some of them seem to stem from some peoples only prior exposure to the Titans being the Titans cartoons, which as has been pointed out is not a good representation of the original source material. Another complaint is that Robin is too aggressive, too violent, perhaps there is slight room for a valid argument there. However, from what I remember in the comics when Dick parted ways with Bruce it was because he felt he was becoming too much like Batman and at the time the Batman books were moving in a more darker tone which meant Batman would not have been adverse to breaking a criminals legs if he felt it served a purpose. While there’s only been one episode I think they’ve established lots of potential for the character of Dick Grayson to grow hopefully shedding the Robin persona and eventually becoming Nightwing.


My only real problem so far is the violence, I love gore and violence but I just don’t feel like it fits the shows tone at least not so far. I’m also not loving certain changes to the characters but I understand that this is supposed to be a new interpretation. I’m excited to see where the show goes.

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The show’s tone goes with the violence like peanut butter and jelly!

This isn’t the cartoon or the comics. This is another else world interpretation. Let it play out for the remaining 10 episodes then decide if s2 will be for you to continue or not


I think many confuse the CN cartoon series as the original source material and it’s not. Even with dealing with young sidekicks the team in the comics dealt with some serious topics. The cartoon Teen Titans and Young Justice barely graze the seriousness.

This show means to show these characters in a realistic light. While I do believe they need to dial the gore violence down from a 7 to a 4…I recognize in the real world you don’t deter evil murderous people with a slap on the wrist. They respond to pain and fear, not a new concept in the DC continuity.

I don’t know how I like how willing Starfire is to kill. I will point out that her flames are glorious. Some complain about that but they forget her actual Tamaranian powers are to harness solar energy and release it. She has recently been known for her “starbolts” power which is shooting ultraviolet light but we have to remember her supernova flames we’re out of reflex. Fire burns, that’s a fact. Too many shows have people with special abilities with no real impact.

Remember…this is the series that tells the story of a underage girl having sex and being turned out by a psychopathic serial killer for hire… it has always been a relatively mature tale.

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  1. That’s not Starfires official look Anna Diop confirmed she’ll get a comic accurate one.
  2. Teagan Croft also confirmed she’ll get an accurate suit
  3. If your dad was an interdemensional demon and every day you had to fight for the sake of your soul would you be all sunflowers and daisy’s.
  4. Sources say Starfire will eventually fly and shoot starbolts
  5. GIVE IT SOME TIME THE STORY IS BARELY UNFOLDING​:bangbang::bangbang::bangbang::bangbang::joy::joy::joy::bangbang:

Raven is the only minor here. Everyone else looks like 18-early 20’s yo. Plus Starfire is an alien

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Unless that happened in the comics and I didn’t know about it

I dont care where they go with this. As long as the characters look like the comics. And oh boy. Starfire ruins the entire show for me. Definitely not subbing to this service.

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