šŸ”ŠSchedule Change Announcement: Saturday Morning Cartoons Become EVENING Cartoon

Glad this got moved to a later time I always miss these.

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Hey friends! After conferring with my associates, this will be nudged to 7:30pm PST (not 7:00pm PST, like that un-editable post says).

Official announcement to be posted soon :slight_smile: If we continue to get persistent feedback that this time is not ideal, we will talk about refining further. Thanks all!

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Although Iā€™m not going to partake in this, as somebody from eastern time I wouldnā€™t want to stay up until 10:00 pm to watch shows. Just putting this out there in case somebody else from eastern time was thinking the same thing.


Thanks for giving me an excuse to watch the new episodes. I was secretly hoping everyone was going to say that so I could watch them. I know what Iā€™m doing tonight :slight_smile:

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Liked the traditional SMC. Usually up around 4a or soā€¦ So, I was waiting around for the SMC to start at 10a central time anyway. Wake up Yaā€™all! Early Bird - Worm, all that jazzā€¦ Speaking of ā€¦ Where did Mr. Mind wonder off? Meanwhileā€¦