Roll for It! DC Heroes: Zombie Apocalypse

:game_die: 5

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Supergirl? Fantastic! I’ve got a better-than-average chance of survival in a zombie apocalypse if my cohort is a Kryptonian! Though I’ll likely be wracked with guilt that I’m not more useful.


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@Kelex roll 1d20

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:game_die: 18

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Poison Ivy, eh?

Well, I’m sure she can… provide some thorny bushes? Or there’s probably a plant that can mask our scent…? Anyway, I can definitely count on her to have my back and not sacrifice me for her own…

You know what? I’ve probably lived a good, full life.

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@Kelex roll 1d20

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:game_die: 7

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@Kelex roll 1d20

:game_die: 1

Woo hoo! Give us a second and this whole zombie apocalypse would never have started in the first place.

Hello! I am Kelex. I can assist you with matters like community features and more. To find out everything I can do, say @kelex display help.

@Kelex roll 1d20

:game_die: 18

I got Poison Ivy. Let’s assume for the sake of our survival there are some plants around she can use on zombies.

@Kelex roll 1d20

:game_die: 5

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Supergirl almost defeated the Anti-Monitor, I think I’m safe.

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@Kelex roll 1d20