Reading Orders

I’ve been using Comic book herald. What j am trying to do is put what I am reading into an excel file so anyone can use it.

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That would be awesome. Let me know if you do create an excel sheet.

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Will do, the problem is I am making as I am reading so it is going to take a while lol

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I started working on a monthly release calendar for all the comics before the DCUI launch. I had stalled out as I had hoped that the launch would fix the “select by date range” search option. Sadly, it still appears to be broken at the moment.

Depending on DCUI response, I may dive back into the project at some point. If you want to see what was done prior to DCUI launch, you can find it here:

The Grand DCU Chronological Comics List: Help Requested - General Discussion / Comic Books - DC Community (

It is only finished up from 1939- 1988 at this point, and only the comics that were on the service before DCUI.

Any updates will be posted in that thread.


that is quite the endeavor! way more ambitious than anything I have done. what i was trying to do was a more modern chronology of Batman. So i start with year one, shortly after that the Long Halloween and so forth. I want it to serve as a thorough shortcut for people getting into Batman and want to know where to start.

Thanks. It is a beast of a project, especially since it’s all manual data entry.

I am surprised that the only other online resources I can find are non-dated reading lists for the pre-crisis era.

Depending on if DCUI gets their tech sorted out I may get back to it.

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