Ray Winstone would be perfect Penguin

Ray Winstone would be a perfect Penguin. Penguin for film should not be a goofy cartoonish character but a hard pugilist with an eccentric side.
Nick Frost is my number two choice.


Are you sure you’re not me? Because I’ve been saying exactly this for years and nobody has taken me seriously.

Good choices, especially Nick Frost.

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These are the first fan castings I’ve seen for Penguin that isn’t an overweight comedian. I know Josh Gad has campaigned for the role (and I think there might be some potential there), but I have no idea where Jonah Hill and Melissa McCarthy came from.

I dont know…I dont think his nose is pointy enough

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That’s what prosthetics are for :slight_smile:

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Nick Frost sounds good. I’ve heard Josh Gad’s name mentioned often with the part and he’d probably be okay too.

I would like to see a posh crime boss styled Penguin played by Brendan Coyle.

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