Raven and Starfire

Im a little disappointed in the Titans tv show. They made raven to happy and made Starfire like she’s the coolest person in highschool. Please read into the characters before destroying something good just so you can make a quick buck.


This is a different adaptation. Every adaptation, be they television or film adds their mark to the characters. I understand having an appreciation for a certain iteration of a character, but there’s no need to be rude. You’re better than that.

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I will say it was weird seeing Raven be so emotional. Not “bad” but Raven i stoic… that’s her thing. So weird seeing her be like that.

I think that’s part of Raven’s arc. S1 she doesn’t understand her powers and how they work. So she’s going to need to learn to control and command her powers, she must be in control of her emotions.

Generally when we’ve seen Raven she has and understands her powers, has spent time on Azarath learning to meditate and focus.

This incarnation on Titans, we see a Raven that has yet to do that. It’s a fresh take and goes against type. However I can see an arc where she becomes a much more “ recognizable” Raven.


Teen Titans Go Raven and Starfire are the best

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