Rant About Starfire

Ive cried trying to get Starfire already in that game :sob: I can never get her. Also I haven’t played that much and Im really dramatic but tbh she is the only character I really care about in that game, even tho I love all the other ones too.


My phone background is the two of them, so I guess Ive been shipping them subconsciously hahaha


Is this the Injustice 2 outfit you’re talking about? Because I don’t really see the problem with it.

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I mean as a whole game, Starfires is pretty chill, Obviously Powergirl and Poison Ivy are wild, but I didn’t mean just SF

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I have her! She’s pretty nice to have, she has a special feature that if you swipe up and tap 3 times she sends out energy blasts, I have a passion for Raven, unfortunately she’s not even in the game…


Darn it! My record has been a lie!


Welcome to the Big leagues! haha


Same here


I’ll be 39 next month, and I’ve never been on a date.


Agreed on all points Behemoth. Well said.


I really hate the way DC writers always degrade and erase Nightwing and Starfire’s history and relationship so they can make Barbara look better for him.

I hate the way they always make Nightwing treat her like she’s nothing and make her whine over him so they can make her look pathetic.

I hate the way they even made Nightwing cheat on her with Barbara which is OOC so they can make Barbara look like she is his one true love while they make Starfire look like she’s just a sexual one sided fling Nightwing never cared for.

Honestly its not Nightwing or Starfire’s fault this happened. They didn’t make that decision. It’s DC writers/ DC editorials fault Starfire always gets treated poorly in favor of Barbara.


Agreed. There are a number of characters that deserve more of the shine that have been placed upon a particular few.


It’s a bad take for all of them. I hate it when Dick is shown as a two-timing asshole, Kory as being petulant and jealous, and Babs as being the homewrecker. They all deserve better. This love triangle nonsense is just that. Nonsense. Writers need to come up with something better.

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Well, to be fair Nightwing isn’t even Nightwing anymore. Same name but completely different character. I’m sure Didio is proud his plan worked. He successfully dismantled the entire character and his narrative importance and got fans so desperate that they don’t even know who he is anymore and will buy anything. Even if it is just a running joke. So I wouldn’t feel bad that Nightstar isn’t as enamoring as it once was. These characters, hell the Titans as a whole in comics and their entire history are barely even former shells of what they once were. Again, congratulations Didio. The bastard ■■■■■■■ won and we will never get back what we lost.

I like to see them back in action so we can see The Titans once again. I want to see the adult Teen Titans and to see what I have in plan for them including

So I hope this might be useful someday