Pitch ONE Title/Storyline

@DC-LUCID That’s already a story


I’d like to give Tim Drake a real identity outside Robin by making him a character that specializes in finding clandestine criminal organizations, infiltrating them perhaps often using a variety of super villain identities and dismantling them after discovering their weak points. The typical story arc would be like a puzzle box where Tim would have to discover the solution. In my view,Tim has spent most his career as someone a bit weak when it comes to fighting, so this would allow him to play to his strengths putting mind over muscle. The dismantling from the inside and multiple alternate identifies would be relatively original superhero goals. Tim would need some sort of new costume as his basic look only worn when acting openly as a good guy perhaps often donned when he knows he has enough to shut down the bad guys’ operation. The new costume and new goal would give him something to be other than quasi-Robin limbo. Nightwing and Red Hood have moved on, but Tim’s like a weird vestigial limb of the Bat Family with no real identity or purpose at the moment.


Suicide Squad 1945:

-Use “New Age of Heroes” characters as actual stand-ins for their Marvel counterparts in the 1945 world (i.e. Damage as Hulk AKA failed Captain America).
-Tie-in idea of new late-’30s/early-’40s superheroes (Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman functioning in their original concepts/costumes) as catalysts for the creation of the Squad (or, more accurately, their rogues galleries).
-Bring in “Monster Society of Evil” (as target for the Squad perhaps? Or a place for them to gain members?).
-Central conflict = SOMETHING TO DO WITH THE FOURTH WORLD (maybe make it an Atlantis-type, keep-it-vague, future-technology-in-an-old-fashioned-world scenario? Who knows?!).
-Try to, as much as possible, keep the Trinity out of the story, and work in as many possible obscure Golden Age (heck, they don’t even need to be Golden Age!) superheroes/-villains into the core line-up.
-Obviously, this book takes place in 1945, during WWII, so use that. If that means our heroes are in a Raiders of the Lost Ark-style conflict with the Nazis over Fourth World tech, great. Just make sure that the setting isn’t throw-away.
-Maybe Lord Death Man could be involved somehow? I know that’s anachronistic, but…
-Hey! You know what kinda WOULDN’T be anachronistic (or, well, I guess it would, but the design and the idea wouldn’t)? MUMBO JUMBO! Cast him as failed stage magician turned supercriminal

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Suicide Squad 1945:

-Use “New Age of Heroes” characters as actual stand-ins for their Marvel counterparts in the 1945 world (i.e. Damage as Hulk AKA failed Captain America).
-Tie-in idea of new late-’30s/early-’40s superheroes (Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman functioning in their original concepts/costumes) as catalysts for the creation of the Squad (or, more accurately, their rogues galleries).
-Bring in “Monster Society of Evil” (as target for the Squad perhaps? Or a place for them to gain members?).
-Central conflict = SOMETHING TO DO WITH THE FOURTH WORLD (maybe make it an Atlantis-type, keep-it-vague, future-technology-in-an-old-fashioned-world scenario? Who knows?!).
-Try to, as much as possible, keep the Trinity out of the story, and work in as many possible obscure Golden Age (heck, they don’t even need to be Golden Age!) superheroes/-villains into the core line-up.
-Obviously, this book takes place in 1945, during WWII, so use that. If that means our heroes are in a Raiders of the Lost Ark-style conflict with the Nazis over Fourth World tech, great. Just make sure that the setting isn’t throw-away.
-Maybe Lord Death Man could be involved somehow? I know that’s anachronistic, but…
-Hey! You know what kinda WOULDN’T be anachronistic (or, well, I guess it would, but the design and the idea wouldn’t)? MUMBO JUMBO! Cast him as failed stage magician turned supercriminal

Batman and Damien have to go undercover and move to a gated suburban neighborhood posing as a normal single father and teenage son to solve a series of murders. The neighborhood has a Pleasantville / Stepford wives feel to it but they soon discover a dark underbelly of subversion and manipulation being perpetrated by a weird cult.

Just imagine Damien having to go Undercover at like a rich preppy highschool

@RagdollRebel Reminds me Gotham Academy #7

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Never read it, any good?