PHANTOM STRANGER on Swamp Thing...I am worried

I like how the show is weaving in magical characters from the DCU. Xanadu, Blue Devil, Phantom Stranger. I don’t care if they’re comics accurate (Madame Xanadu is very different from any of the comic versions I’ve seen, but she’s perfect for this show). The Stranger could have been any number of DCU mystics, but letting him hint at his identity was a fun Easter egg for longtime fans without being distracting to new viewers.

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I’m late to the conversation, but here I go. Now, I haven’t read any solo Phantom Stranger stories. Most of my exposure comes from him appearing in other stories, especially Swamp Thing. But I am always excited to see him and was cautiously excited for his debut.

It was…not what I had expected. His usual dress attire was gone, looking more like someone you might picture someone looking like if they lived in a Swamp town. The way he talks is also noticeably different, feeling more casual and slightly more friendly as opposed to the formal, composed style from the comics.

Having said that…i strangely think it works. I know it looks like I’m in the minority, and it is a pretty different take, but it still ultimately stays true to who the Phantom Stranger is, or at least it does as far as I can tell.

Besides, I have a little theory where - even though I ended up liking his debut - that isn’t his true form, and probably doesn’t have one. He is constantly changing his appearance, and maybe even his behavior to a certain extent, in order to blend in to whatever environment he is in so he doesn’t stand out to anyone besides those he is there to communicate with. Take that for what it’s worth

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PS with out the hat, trench, etc, is like Superman flying around in a costume without an S on his chest.

Clothes make the man. To coin a cliche.

silver age phantom stranger is fantastic

I’m fine with the way they depicted him. Yes, he was dressed for a swamp rather than his usual turtleneck and cloak and had that beard, but he did what I’ve usually seen him do in the comics: be a combination spirit guide / exposition fairy.

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Wise fisherman dude as Phantom Stranger did not work for me. I would have loved him to show up in some version of his traditional look, but even if not something that echoed it, hat low over the eyes, longer jacket or cloak.

I really don’t like this phantom stranger

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The Phantom Stranger should always look like Jim Aparo drew him. Even in jeans and a muscle shirt.

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Finally he put on his hat

He should also have a steady breeze blowing his clothes about him dramatically

msgtv is correct

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I agree. No matter whether this is a dream or whatever, the PS’s appearance doesn’t change much. Heavy set with a beard? Drinking beer? Where you can see his eyes? Wrong wrong wrong.

OTOH, in the last episode his fading away into the mist was pretty good. Just need to get a new actor and new wardrobe.