Our World is in Need of Heroes!

@Razzzcat i have to agree with you too I would pick Wonder Woman hands down

Everything she embodies stands for what we need in my opinion equality justice and peace for all.

…but just for my own humor as a second choice if Ivy wasn’t a villain I’d pick her.

I think her passion for what she believes in is quite astounding just if non-plant life was included in that passion lol


No apologies necessary, @Mae! She wields Truth and Love as her weapons. :facepunch:t3: That makes her the one, as far as I’m concerned. Especially now, we need more of both of those things.


(You already know I’m Team Ivy, but I’ll say it anyway. lol)

Completely agree, @bribriibri. If she got that villainy under control, Ivy would be a force to be reckoned with as a hero and leader. :green_heart:


@D4RK5TARZ I do believe your right it’s just bonkers right now. The one thing I love about this community we can talk about seriously messed up situations kindly and with all the comic references as humanly possible.


All good choices, I’ve got three.
Supergirl has idealism of youth, a strong moral compass, and the stubbornness to back both of them up.

Wonder Woman, a warrior born with a sense of compassion and justice

Superman, what this world needs is a sense of decency and the willingness to stand in the face of evil and say “No more.” Nothing represents those qualities to me more than Superman.


I really don’t know.

I will edit this later.

Thanks for asking me.

10:42pm 6/2/2020


No worries. I look forward to your thoughts.

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At this point I think we need the whole jla

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Superman, or overall the superman family. Superman fights for truth, justice, and the American way. If the US were to have a mascot(not counting the eagle) it would be superman. He was born on another planet but raised on earth as a farmer, he knows what it feels like to be different and to be hated for it when he just wants to fit in and make a living(Lex). He can show the rioters that burning buildings isn’t the way, that it will just make everything worse and he would stop the riot from getting worse and he would’ve brought the those police men to justice a long time ago…actually he probably wouldve been the one to stop them.


I think what the world needs most now is the 1970’s Adventure Comics era Spectre. Someone not afraid to punish the wrong doers and strike fear in those who would commit heinous crimes!

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I would want Superman too!

To paraphrase Supes from the recent Heroes in Crisis book on the nature of heroism,

“People from every country, every background rise to battle the worst evils. To shout in the face of ignorance and defeat that there shall be another day of dignity for our world. There shall be another day of honor for our people. Battling through unimaginable torment, they have taken their place along the barrier that divides us from chaos and death. They have stared into the certainty of annihilation and they have smiled and laughed and they have said simply, calmly, confidently, ‘Though you break my body, I will stand. Though you silence my voice, I will speak. Though you bring my death, I will live. This is my home. It is in my care. And though you seek its destruction, I am here. And today… today, by God, I will not fall!’”


We need Black Lightning and John Stewart.