Opinion on next DC movie female lead

Abby Arcane



Going with the direction the movies seem to be going, I would say the next DC movie with a female lead will most likely be Supergirl, Batgirl or a Black Canary spin-off if the Birds of Prey movie.

Let’s go way out into left field:

Jonni Thunder from Earth 2. Young girl turns into a four armed, reality warping iffrit. Give it a nostalgic JSA feel.


Let’s go way out into left field:

Jonni Thunder from Earth 2. Young girl turns into a four armed, reality warping iffrit. Give it a nostalgic JSA feel.

Batgirl is very likely. I’d like Zatanna. Amethyst could be interesting/different too.


The 2011 Batwoman comic series was so good. I would love for them to at least an animated series of that. That said, I agree with the above Zatanna and Raven suggestions. That would be amazing!