Opinion on Batman: Damned?

So since this controversy has been all over the place, I wanted to hear some opinions on DC censoring the scene of nudity in Batman: Damned? I mean I don’t really get why they are censoring since it’s a Black Label comic and I also don’t really get why everyone seems to be making a huge deal out of it. What do you all think? I personally don’t think it is that big of a deal.


I really enjoyed it and I think that people are making a huge deal about it because censorship has such a huge history in comics. I don’t see an issue with it, as it did enhance the scene. I also think people are only making a big deal about it because it’s male nudity. We’ve seen so many like shots, and like cameltoes that have just been seen as a part of the culture, but when we see one ill-lit penis the whole industry shakes. But like no-one is freaking out about the Harley Quinn boobshot. It’s really sad that we have such double standards, and that men can’t handle a bit of non-sexualized male nudity, but thrive on the objectification of female characters… Ugh, could not be more disappointed in the fanbase, and I’m disappointed with DC for going back on their decision to mature the industry.


panty shots

I don’t know why as an industry they are okay with hypersexualizing a minor but they won’t show a grown man’s penis in a comic that was released like only so they could do said artwork.


Bats is always hiding in the shadows so it makes sense that his peen is ill-lit. But to an extent, I get why it’s censored in the cyber realm. Anyone could easily do a google search and find it. Bats doesn’t need that kind of pressure!

Did people get mad about Dr. Manhattan’s blue dwarf? You can see it through almost half of the Watchmen novel.


Still waiting on this to be delivered. As far as the whole schlong issue, I really don’t understand why some readers and fans take issue with it. I looked on Amazon last night and saw the price of this comic skyrocket, $84.00 or more.

I don’t know why readers are taking issue with it either other than peen is offensive!! :slight_smile: If a company is advertising a “mature” line of products, I would expect them to also be following the “sex sales” mentality. Sounds like they probably are. I can’t wait to see Super-peen next!!

It wasn’t even the focus of the issue or even the page it was on. I don’t see why it is such a controversy. And it was mostly covered in shadows. Batman was figuratively being stripped down to his most vulnerable in this issue, it only makes sense to literally strip him down also.


I feel let down and alienated by DC. They don’t stand by their art by censoring. And I feel alienated by not being able to get a copy easily. I’m like sing patience with them. I bought a year of DC Universe, but I’m going to slash my pull list


I feel like an outsider with a company that used to make me feel like an insider. Stand by your art, DC!

Honestly, if it wasn’t pointed out by virtually EVERY media outlet on the internet I wouldn’t have noticed it. The story is great and the art is next level IMO. Shame that something this immature has tainted the book.


I see lady nips through armored outfits in non sexual scenes. At least his nudity made sense in the context. Heard the story was amazing. But I can’t find the book.

All I know I paid 6.99 for Batman Damned #1 and it’s selling for over $100 online. So crazy. All because of the Batawang. I’m sending mine in to CGC and buying the digital to read.

I don’t see why they needed to censor Batman’s dick. It’s not a big deal but the whole point of Black Label is to show and tell more adult stories. Uncensored nudity is admittedly part of that. Yes, I understand that comics are for kids overall but it’s been constantly stated what DC Black Label is and if a parent or whatever gets upset then that is their fault and it is on them. It just feels like they defeated the purpose of this initiative.

I don’t see why they needed to censor Batman’s dick. It’s not a big deal but the whole point of Black Label is to show and tell more adult stories. Uncensored nudity is admittedly part of that. Yes, I understand that comics are for kids overall but it’s been constantly stated what DC Black Label is and if a parent or whatever gets upset then that is their fault and it is on them. It just feels like they defeated the purpose of this initiative.

I just don’t get why it seems like all people are willing to talk about, nor do I get why they censored it.

As for the book itself, I really enjoyed it. The set-up was well done, and I’m really digging the darker, edgier takes on a lot of DC’s magic based characters. My only complaint is that while the narration text is unique and makes it stick out from most other books out there, it was sometimes hard to read, specifically on panels with a lot of light colors.