OFFICE HOURS: Ask DC Universe Your Questions Every (UPDATED) TUESDAY Night!



There is now a limitation on

Posting more than five times in.a row

When a poster hits that limit

Another member must post before the first poster can continue.

As far as we know this is absolute and not time based.

Since I cant sleep.any more because of leg spasms I could wait an hour between posts.

This stops me cold worh no recource.

If you my posts like

Which is in.ssential readings

Also.I posted a series of JPGs in my background on.the Trinity

Please reconsider making the limit more like ten.

We have already a 7000 character limit on each post

When I change history i add a post on.the change.

I won’t be able to do that with this rule.

It might be never before someone posts to my topics.

Thank you