Obscurity of DC Presents: Blue Beetle LAL, Week 4 (Death Strikes From The East/Sea Serpent)

A show inside a radio show? That’s so meta!

“So long Doc!”

I always thought it was “What’s up Doc?”

tenor (8)

No way did he just strangle Dan Garrett! Quick, get Ted Kord!

Have I made that joke every week?

Wow this guy puts the “mission” in “co-mission-er”!

What would you guys do in this situation? Save your kid, or save the city?

Dan Garrett: Master of Disguise

I’m rooting for the bystanders this episode. The cops, Dr. Franz, and Blue Beetle are all just racist and ignorant. But the villain is a killer. So the Chinese bystanders, you rock!

I hate that they imply that all Chinese people are ugly. They’re not! Nobody’s ugly except for the people that find it necessary to hurt others emotionally or physically.

Did they just shoot the commissioner?!



The Tong Wars have been prevented! Yay!!!

That’s an amazing line!

“Fear is the greatest enemy of mankind!”

Alright you unfortunately had to hear me rap there. 5 mins!


cough cough It’s Dr. Franz in the first scene again…

You’re swimming over 300 feet from shore and expect not to be eaten by a sea serpent?

It’s fishy! That’s a me joke, right there!

Yes… the poison-detecting ring. Never leave home without it…