New Release Comics Roundup For 4/10/19

The best day of the work week is just around the corner: Wednesday, aka New Comics Day!

I’m excited for:

-Superman #10
-Hawkman #11
-Justice League Odyssey #8
-Titans #36 (final issue)
-Supergirl #29

What’s on your Must Buy List this week?


Sad Titans is ending, this has been consistently one of my favorite titles since its relaunch. Would like to see something launched that focuses on a Nightwing, Donna etc team.

It is sad. Titans has been my #1 favorite current team book since it launched nearly three years ago. It’s had a great run, the best of any team book since Rebirth began.

Oh well. At least we’ve got Titans Giant. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a new volume of Titans come along later on.

Plastic Man TPB!

Detective comic #1001
The Batman who Laughs #4
CatWoman #10
Justice League Odyssey #8
Superman #10
Titans #36
WonderWoman #68

Did anyone read 'Tec #1001? I’m on the fence about it ATM.