new DC Daily format?

Again wishing for the old host and format. The lack of news and too many panel discussions with nothing more is laaaaame. I’ve stopped watching altogether when I see the intro and/or it goes right to a panel. So sad, it was becoming part of my morning ritual…o well

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I pretty much stopped watching it too they need to put a show on there that talks more about the news of the comic book industry movie industry


I am thinking of quiting. I love it as a backround but panels in text are NO help to me and when it is its 5 seconds. Gives me a headache and vertigo.


They do scatter in news, but perhaps too much of the show is panel discussions, mostly opinions about who is better, or their choices, and their likes. I am not against this, but maybe less of that would be better.

I think the idea of panel discussions is to share their opinions about the DC characters being discussed, much as we talk of our opinions, likes, and dislikes here, on these DC Community boards. I can agree with some of their opinions, some of the time, or side with this host more than that host, so I do believe it is an attempt at community building.

I have gathered some interesting information about the hosts from those conversations, and sometimes I would not mind being able to talk with one or more of them.

They still do have guests, like Cameron Cuffe, from Krypton, just the other day.

So the DC Daily show is informative, if you stick with it. You may not like every episode, or want to hear from the hosts, but there is news, guests, and content in the mix.


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I need to edit the information better it’s poorly constructed show

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Please mods put in words to revert back to old format


I’m guessing the had a lot of people like me who watched the news but rarely watched beyond that. The answer to that (if true) is to give us more of what we want not stash it in the show. I found what few panels I watched okay at best. Even better put out more shorter pieces. Then we can focus on what we’re really interested in.