New Comics Roundup for September 11th, 2019

Every Wednesday, the air is always a bit sweeter, food tastes a bit better and other nifty things are a bit niftier because of drumroll brand new comics! Happy New Comics Day!

From, here’s a listcheck of this week’s brand new newly branded single issues from DC:

-Batman #78 (City of Bane)
-Batman and the Outsiders #5 (Year of the Villain: Evil Unleashed)
-Batman Universe #3
-Catwoman #15 (YOTV EU)
-Collapser #3
-Dark Nights: The Batman Who Laughs #1 Special Batman Day Edition (DNM/YOTV)
-Detective Comics #1011 (YOTV EU)
-Event Leviathan #4
-The Flash #78 (YOTV EU)
-Gotham City Monsters #1
-Hawkman #16 (YOTV EU)
-House of Whispers #13
-Justice League Odyssey #13 (YOTV EU)
-The Riddler: Year of the Villain #1
-RWBY #2
-Wonder Twins #7
-Wonder Woman #78 (YOTV EU)
-Young Justice #8

What brand new warm, glowing comics from DC and beyond are you basking in the warming glow of this week?



Will Enjoy
Black Hammer/Ju.stice League
Marvel Visionaries Kirby
Red Sonja
Young Justice

Gotham City Monsters
Zorro (Lovecraft)

Batman and the Outsiders
Detective Comics
Event Leviathan
The Flash
Wonder Twins

Hard to Understand
House of Whispers
Powers Of X

Buy Only to Keep Current
Justice League Odyssey.
Wonder Woman




My three
Read for completeness

Batman had good Cat Bat interactions, otherwise a filler.

Justice League Odyssey
Jessica Cruz is a treasure
I can see a new team developing
I hope this means Kori and Victor go to a new Titans title.

Wonder Woman is still stalled.
A pity since writer is very talented. I have liked her work since Vertigo Air.


@Turok I’m already excited for the new JLO, but your summary has me even more excited. I’m glad you liked it.

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I know this is the smallest of possible problems, but I don’t like Detective and Batman on the same week. Spread my bats around.


@msgtv What are your thoughts on Action and Superman on the same week?

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Like it even less. I don’t get enough new Superman,but better one every two weeks than 2 same day

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Finally got to the shop. Had a couple weeks in my saver, plus some back orders. Here’s the whole stack:

Event Leviathan #4
The Green Lantern #11
Black Hammer/Justice League #3
Reaver #2 & #3
Sea of Stars #3
Usagi Yojimbo #4
Berserker Unbound #1 & #2
Space Bandits #3

Love having a decent sized stack to read in the evening!