name a superpower and I can tell you 3-5 characters who have that power.

Just gimme 1 on the shooting quills.

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Well… beast boy. Since he could turn into a porcupine and than he will have quills to shoot.

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Another would be even danials aka spyke from the xmen but I can confirm this I think he was only created for the xmen evolution show but idk if that’s true just what I’ve heard. But he could be considered a quill shooter

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Ya, but this is just dc characters. Other wise I would have had a few from marvel.


Beast Boy… that’s brilliant! Another is Porcupine Pete from Legion of Super-heroes comics.

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And… generating extreme cold.

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I dont know exactly what you mean by extreme cold, but…


Captain cold(at the point where he actually had the powers as opposed to the gun, as I’m assuming weapons dont count)


Killer frost

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To everyone who is interested… I have a thread call “name the cahrachters… best fit for the scenario.” Its a really fun and enjoyable game, and I would appreciate it, if more people played. It’s not as fun with 2 people. Dont get me wrong though it’s fun with 2 people, just not AS fun.

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Got anyone that can capture cities like brainiac?

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So there is brainiac

Technically the quantum mechanics

Mr nobody can consume one (if that counts)