Most Controversial Superman comic?

What is the most controversial Superman comic ever made? I would think the most controversial would be the Comic where Superman and Big Barda almost make an adult movie together. This would have made The man of steel the other man because Big Barda was then and I do believe still is married to Mister Miracle. This all went down in two issues of Action Comics 592 and 593. So what would you say is the most controversial Superman comic ever made in the over 80 years his legacy?


HAHA! What was it called? Mountain Clappers?


Honestly, I feel the most controversial Superman comic would be when he relinquished his American citizenship. It was badass, turning down America like that but I mean it was just Truth and Justice and no longer the American way.


I would say Superman: At Earth’s End, but I don’t think there’s actually any controversy over that one. Everyone hates it. :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah, that looks a little wack.


Action Comics 289 is a good candidate as well.

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Action Comics issue #58. It was made just a couple weeks after the pearl harbor attacks, so it’s filled with racist Japanese stereotypes.

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