đŸŽ¶ Mixtape Monday: Stargirl & Starry Skies! đŸŽ¶

The “Earthquake Song” is how I just see her as she is wresting with and understanding her powers and going up against villains she doesn’t know. So there is that rush of the new adventure but also that little piece in her brain that has doubts. “My surfboard is ready for the tidal wave. I’m gonna ride down Sunset like a beach boy today. I only hope I don’t wipe out in West LA.”. Plus the song is of the “Valley Pop” genre which is, by and large, still a localized thing in SoCal. So I think it’s something she would have listened to at a “tween” age and often bits and pieces of music you absorb at that age really stick with you.


I was surprised nobody has posted this yet, but I’m very happy I get to.


Hi! It’s late and I’m very tired, but I wanted to get this in before Monday! GOOD MORNING, btw! :sunny: :coffee:
First: Never apologize for Phoebe! I always enjoyed all of her weird little songs. :notes: “Oh the cow in the meadow goes Moo”—classic! :wink: I’m also glad you enjoyed the space pop, pop-pop, jazz and fringe! It’s fun to watch. Fact. You know what’s funny about fringe, tho? As much as I love it, I really don’t own much at all. Obviously I need to put an end that madness, right? I’ll look so much more dazzling when I do this :dancer:t2: for
 absolutely no one but myself. Yep. I guess we know what I’ll be shopping for online this week! Second:

If you’ve seen anything I’ve posted on this subject, you’ll know I’m Team Har-Vy :100:. I always root for true love, so I fully support this idea if we can fit it in! :purple_heart: (And yes, I’ve been calling them Harvey since I was a pip-squeak, so I vehemently refuse to use “Harlivy”. Mines way older & sounds way cooler anyway!) :fist:t3::stuck_out_tongue:
Have a great week, @MissInkBlot.


And now I’m anxiously awaiting this week’s theme.


@TravisMorgan - :hushed: Thank you so much! Your detective work is appreciated! :hugs:

@TheRosses - No problem at all on the artists, just wanted to doublecheck. Granted, I have to say I liked “Revolution Earth,” but my ears have found additional delight with Duran Duran’s song, as well (
that, and the arm waving dancing in that video’s more addictive than it should be, lol). Them’s the good stuff! :smiley: Went through and refreshed my memory on SF songs, and loved Corneria, too, so I’ll add that to the list for you. I couldn’t choose between the other favs, so I’m adding “Controls,” from SF, and the End Credits + Menu Select Themes from SF 64. :slight_smile:

@Green.Lantern - Aww, you showed up right on time to help us fill in the gaps we left behind! That song makes me think about the movies, Moon and The Martian because it’s the type of thing you can play while going through the motions of maintenance while in space, and it’ll make everything better. But it’s such a good’un that it’s easily applicable to all things, be it planet-to-planet “road trip” travel, or experiencing something cool like watching an eclipse from Pluto. 'tis perfect! Thank you! :heart_eyes:

@Razzzcat - GOOD MORNING! :sun_with_face: I hope you got in a good night’s sleep, and are feeling much more rested today! Thank you for indulging me with late night combo of “Phoebs and the Fringes” (worthwhile band name, yes? :eyes:). :stuck_out_tongue: I do think we could all use more of that fashion sense, yes, but then my healthy paranoia sets in and I sometimes wonder what the package packers think when we online shop, since my shopping cart would have non-perishables like rice and dried beans
 and then outfits like that, lol. :laughing: One can be both dazzling and well fed, though, right?

I have, indeed, seen your posts, and it’s good to know we have another vote for the HQ and Poison Ivy matchup theme! Since we have a HQ relationship thread, been mulling over if a romance theme for the whole show might be worthwhile, or individual relationships, so thoughts are always welcome. :thinking: Thank you for helping my week get off to such a great start! :wink:

@DeSade-acolyte - Answering yours with your second post due to linking the thread in this part of the response, but to answer your first post, your elaborating on that song’s inclusion really makes me look forward to being able to take a listen to that again after I see Stargirl for the first time (adding it to my to do list! :slight_smile:). I’ve been wondering how they’d go about showing internal dialogue and development for a character her age since their other shows usually deal with older characters.

That in mind, looking through the lyrics again, I definitely see what you mean, and like how they put the side-by-side connection between excitement, doubts, and the stresses of life you can’t control (like earthquakes) on display with such clarity. The words, “Yes, I enjoy living life this way, Always a good show on somewhere, what more can I say, It’s gonna be an earthquake, I can’t miss it, no way,” stand out, for example. :thinking: That, and sadly, I’ve not had the chance to listen to much in the way of Valley Pop, so I’m glad to have such a great song to use as a better re-introduction to the genre, too! :wink:

Aww, already? :hushed: Happy to be able to share the new link with you, then! :slight_smile:
This week’s Mixtape Monday can be found here! :heart:

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