🎶 Mixtape Monday: Crafting Crooners for Constantine! 🎶

Well hello there again MissInkBlot and everyone else! :wave: :sunglasses:

Ah, Mr. John Constantine. There be a few tunes that do come to mind for this jolly good fellow. :mage: :sweat_smile:

Perhaps even after seeing all that everyone has brought to the table he would say… Brilliant! :grin:

So now onto the list… :musical_note:

First, I happened to be shuffling my playlist as I do and when first thinking about what tunes to add, this was playing. A lot of superstitious things being written on the wall in the Constantine series so I thought it might fit. :smile:

Next, this tune reminded me of all the lessons John had to learn throughout the series. :thinking:

Ah, now this tune here… I was reminded of the pilot episode when John was down before getting back up. Also… It reminded me of episode 7 and something that happened in its finale. :eyes:

This next tune is to celebrate John’s accomplished spell work. :books: :sunglasses: :fire:

This tune reminded me of John’s struggle throughout the series as a battle call to keep going. :metal: :sunglasses:

Up next, this tune reminded me of the demons that John faced throughout the series. :fearful:

And finally… Couldn’t resist looking back at and listening to the composition of the score for the show. :smiley: :musical_score: