"Look What I Just Got" Thread (Part 1)

I got a couple things to share today!

First is a couple stacks of Robin (1993) comics. I’m slowly collecting the series. I found a cool deal on ebay for these and they arrived the other day.

Next is two hot wheels. I like to put them with my comic boxes to sort of denote what is in what box. So, I was excited to see the Robin car and the Batgirl car. And the Batman Forever was just too cool looking to pass on.

That’s all I have for today!


:purple_heart: Hot Wheels!


got sp ww, nightwing, and Deathstroke. and with that my mcfarlane super powers is complete (only getting the figures thus far, might get the new vehicles once we see non render/ color looks) for now that is!


Finally found them all in good condition for once:




very spiffy!

Good stuff @Alexis227. :+1:


Yet another amaze pick up for you here @DarkKnight39. :smiley:


Thanks DC89 :slight_smile:


I picked up this little figure

Had to touch up the eyes tho


Walmart tends to stink at properly packaging their toys and collectibles for mail shipment, especially when they’re exclusive items.

If Mr. McFarlane got wind of that, I would hope he’d be on the phone with the Walmart toy buyer and Walmart’s Shipping department, so as to properly instruct them on how to properly pack toys and collectibles, especially items exclusive to them, for mail shipment.

Anywho, very cool gets @golddragon71, especially the Kenner Brainiac.

“Yay!” indeed! Very nice gets! Anything else up and coming on your Kenner/Hasbro want list?

Now’s the time, my friend. eBay (and elsewhere) rates for Total Justice and JLA are pretty low, right now.

In fact, I saw a carded TJ Superman at a specialty shop a few weeks ago for $9.99. Not too shabby for a going-on 27-year-old figure that originally retailed at most stores for $5.99.

Very cool! I love my HW BF Batmobile. The 5-pack is pretty schway too, and I’m still surprised that Walgreens of all places is where I first found it (and during the Christmas rush to boot).


This week’s Walmart pick-ups:

Always nice to see something new from Jada’s Nano DC line. I especially like the Keaton-esque Batman in this set.

For any wondering, the new figures at the bottom of the box are Blue Lantern Flash and the New 52 Red Robin.

SN: This set comes with fold-out cardboard cityscape backgrounds, along with what appears to be a separate, cardboard Bat-signal.

I’m not opening my set as I leave Jada’s multi-packs in-box, but from what’s seen on the back of the box, the displays look pretty nifty. This is the first time Jada’s included display pieces in one of their box sets and I certainly hope it won’t be the last.

Also from Wally World…

Caught-up on Gold Label for a while…well until this Tuesday, as I likely will pre-order Robin from the McFarlane Store. Otherwise though, I’m caught-up with Gold Label schtuff.


Some people may know that Ive had some delays when it comes to this item but after pre-ordering and many shipping problems I am now the owner of Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths #7


Super cool!






Tres spiffy!


My inner-Marty McFly did belt out “Oh La La!” when I found Eradicator a couple days ago, as he is “Le magnifique!” and then some.


I didn’t just get this stuff, but I would like to share anyway :slightly_smiling_face:.

Rearranged my wall art so it’s grouped a bit more together.

This one I actually printed at home on photo paper. One of my favorite comic panels by my favorite artist, Ivan Reis.

This piece by Sean Galloway I’ve had for a long time, but couldn’t figure out where to hang it. Decided to put at the top of our stairs. That way it serves as a “You’re about to enter the cave” piece.


Reorganizing your collection is half the fun!

Looks nice, and there is still plenty of room for more stuff. :grin:


As always, a very swell set-up. :+1:t2:


A couple days ago, I was reorganizing one of my DC Direct/Collectibles shelves and the time just flew by, I was having so much fun.


I guess one just wasn’t enough, because I picked up my second Walmart Eradicator last night (Friday):

After I nabbed my first earlier in the week, I looked him over in-box and thought “He does look pretty spiffy this way. Maybe I’ll leave him boxed.”

When I came across the above last night, I thought “Yep, the first one will stay boxed, while I open this one.”

I’ve been noodling around with him at my work desk and so far, he’s a lot of fun. There’s a bit of a gap between his lower torso and waist, but a few moves here and there and its no longer an issue.

I’m absolutely open to a classic Eradicator at some point, and being that the Rebirth iteration was a Gold Label piece, there’s potential for a classic edition.

However, being that I have the Kenner Eradicator and that until recently, nobody had done a figure of his Rebirth incarnation, I’m quite happy McFarlane started off with the Rebirth take, as he’s a visual reminder of my second-favorite volume of Superman (the Rebirth series), which is my favorite ongoing from my favorite modern era of DC.

SN: I wouldn’t mind a repaint/retool of Eradicator based on the post-Reign look he rocked in Outsiders and his self-titled mini-series. The more Eradicator, the better!