"Look What I Just Got" Thread (Part 1)


x. physically present .x


:smiley: :+1:


Very spiffy!


Very cool @Green.Lantern! :smiley:


He was like $5 or so from the little plastic animals they have at Hobby Lobby, so pretty happy with him.


Cute! And so detailed. I think all the work you have done is great but I like cats so he is my favorite lol.


Awww! The li’l rage-fueled fuzz bunny is so cute! :hugs:


He’s beautiful, but that teeny tiny base he sits on scares the bejebus out of me. I would be so scared he would topple over and chip his cape or ears. :scream:


:smiley: :+1: :catwoman_hv_2: :catwoman_hv_2: :catwoman_hv_2:


They put a lot of weight in the base, so there is no wobble at all.


Can’t speak for this one, but manufacturers typically make the bases extra heavy for that very reason. Agree that it’s a beautiful piece!

Edit: D’oh! Looks like @AK_Bandit already addressed that. Scroll through before you comment, moro.


The final piece of the gem edition sirens arrived today. The Diamond Select BTAS Harley Quinn Gem Edition statue. A 2019 SDCC exclusive that stands 11-inches tall and is numbered 62 out of 200 pieces.

She has real diamonds on the right leg of her costume.

She will stand perfectly alongside the 2017 SDCC exclusive Gem Edition Poison Ivy

and the 2018 SDCC exclusive Gem Edition Catwoman


So I’ve been waiting the last few weeks on buying the various figures of the ENDLESS WINTER wave.
The main reason being I wanted to get them all at once.
Well, yesterday I did just that!
(At GameStop Rt. 9 Howell, NJ)

The Frost King is a really nice looking pain in the Icicle to put together. He’s more of an articulated statue than an action figure because if you try to move his arms or legs in any meaningful way, they pop right out of their joints

Of course my biggest gripe with the story is that they neglected one of the Justice Leagues best heroes for a story like this

I mean if you fight fire with fire, it’s only natural that you would fight Frost with Ice!


Had a great time at Awesome-Con in DC yesterday and wanted to show off the books I got signed!

Amanda Conner

Considering I missed both Conner and Palmiotti 5 years ago at Baltimore, I was so happy to finally get a chance to meet them this year!

Dark Knight Returns: The Master Race – The Covers

Red ink for both versions of 'Tec #1000

She signed right on Catwoman’s head :laughing:

Suicide Squad: The Black Vault

Jimmy Palmiotti

Infinite Crisis, right under Jerry Ordway

Lee Weeks

$2 comics


This one deserved its own post. After thinking I wouldn’t be able to get a copy of this, my dad came through in the clutch and managed to win this in an auction at his LCS, and then gifted it to me! I’m so incredibly happy to actually have this in my hands after my own LCS screwed me out of a copy by price gouging at the last minute. Though it is bittersweet since this is now after George Perez has passed, I will certainly treasure this book even more now and will forever be grateful that I was able to get a copy of this incredible crossover :heart:


Hands down it’s own post :fire::fire::fire::fire:


So today I finally nabbed Godspeed
(At FYE Freehold Raceway Mall, Freehold, NJ)

And here he is amid my McFarlane Multiverse collection

(I’m still waiting on classic look Martian Manhunter)


Did u buy the battery for Roxy’s Rocket :rocket: yet? It’s so expensive. I bought a 2 pack & only turned it on once so it would last. It’s cool tho. I have an old pic when I actually had a little room on my shelves with it lit up.

I love how it makes it look like the afterburners are on full blast lol. I think it was like $30 tho? Ridiculous. I got that figure early & on the dirt cheap. Then spent triple that for a battery :joy:. Oh well, I’ve spent money on way worse things, & I love that figure!!!


Those are too cool. I didn’t think out my spacing when I got my Clayface. But, I found it, & Grundy hidden behind other objects at the dollar store. Someone was coming back for em’. I almost had the set. But Killer Croc & Nightwing got grabbed b4 I was there. $6 a piece. If I could’ve gotten all 3 would’ve been one of my biggest steals.

That Killer Croc & Clayface reminded me of those. I don’t think I’ve ever posted em b4. If so, maybe once on a thread? I always forget about em cuz I can’t see em’ where I had to put em. Take up quite a bit of room. The Clayface & Croc u have would’ve been perfect :ok_hand:


Haven’t bought any batteries yet, but the LR44 batteries needed are only $5 for a six-pack on Amazon.