Live Q&A with Benjamin Le Clear, Official DC Archivist, Wednesday May 13th @3pm PT/6pm ET!

Yes I do stare.


It would be an insult to fans and the books themselves not to stare. I’ve also come in early and stayed late just to look at something in person I’ve stumbled across online.
And when you walk the stacks of bound books – some of the older ones will whisper “please read me”. Maybe I shouldn’t tell people that.

Great question about the original target audience.

I think depression era youth were always the intended primary audience of the first comics, but its also clear that the first publishers were hoping that they’d be enjoyed by audiences of all ages and genders. Comic Books have their roots both in PULP Magazines (and especially) Newspaper Comic Strips. In both cases, those stories were seeking mass audiences and not just a small niche. A lot of other publishers may have just been throwing stuff out there to see what sticks, but we were founded by a romantic visionary named Major Malcolm Wheeler who had dreams about the possibilities of original content comic books and a wider audience in mind. Editor Lloyd Jacquet promoted our landmark first issue New Fun #1 by recommending trying “it on the youngsters from 2 to 90”.