Lex Luthor! Orgin Movie 💪

Lex Luthor has done so many things throughout DC, such as building an empire, making kryptonite suites, from hurting and helping the Justice League. It would be interesting to see things from the start of his career.


I am reading this right after seeing the Alfred trailer and it’s got me thinking. I think there are a lot of cool backstories that we could see that may not need movies or TV series worth. I think I’d love to see 1 to 2 episodes each that explore the history of a cool character like Lex. That way we’re still getting more out of characters we love, we’re getting more of them, and they don’t suffer from what a lot of shows can suffer from like a mid season slump.

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I think Smallville did an incredible job of a Luthor origin. Untill they deleted it all at the end :roll_eyes:

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Not origin stories, but I’d be interested in seeing movies based on the Lex Luthor: Man of Steel mini-series and The Black Ring arc of Action Comics.


Maybe if the Joker movie does well.

You’ve brought tear to my eyes with this post…i salute you sir. Now where’s mercy with my suit?!

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