Let’s Talk About Anything DC

Mxy frequently clashes with Supes, who himself has a tendency to clash with Booster (or his robot clone)


There’s a Marvel character named Hal Jordens who debuted years before the completely unrelated Hal Jordan

And he so happens to be a pilot


Jason Aaron is a terrible Avengers writer but I think he can tell interesting stories with the new gods or green lanterns.


He was born in 1960 so he would have been quite the prodigal to be writing Hal and Carol as a babe. John Broome actually originated Carol. I only did a cursory search but it looks like the idea that she’s based on Liz is in Wikipedia (and thus gets repeated elsewhere without providing any sources) but the Wiki source is an IMDB trivia page on Taylor that doesn’t actually provide any real source, so I’d take it with a grain of salty salt…


I have yet to read a Jason Aaron story I don’t like, but maybe Avengers will be it. His Conan series with Mahmud Asrar are great!


Okay I’m reading JLI rn and I’m noticing Booster’s written with a bit of a Queens accent. He says “Awight” a lot.

Gotham is on the east coast

Damnit am I going to have to figure out what a Gotham Accent sounds like now?


Boostie. He’s so shape


I love it when artists just go S H A P E


The most notable person I can think of who says “Awight” that much is JOEY RAMONE

DOES BOOSTER SOUND LIKE JOEY?? Has he had a thiccc New York accent THE WHOLE TIME?


His run on Thor is great too but Avengers is pretty much like what Scott Synder was doing with Justice League but way more bonkers.

His decision to have Thor be related to phoneix is his most infamous one.

I don’t anyone who is a particular fan with Avengers BC.


Gotham is basically Boston, right? Or at least, Metropolis is to New York as Gotham is to Boston?


I mean Gotham is canonically in New Jersey


I Am So Mad About DC Killing Lian Harper

I Am So Mad About What DC Did To Roy Harper

Why is DC allergic to letting characters be happy


And yeah I know they brought her back last summer BUT THEY GAVE HER AMNESIA AND I BELIEVE THAT IS CHEATING


I am happy


The Eggbaby from Batman Beyond is truly underappreciated. He should have been in more episodes, and he should have been a bigger part of Terry’s life. The Eggbaby is honestly one of the only good characters Batman Beyond introduced other than Terry and Ghoul.


Today was, frankly, a HILARIOUS day. I learned that my friend (who we’ll case Friend A to protect her privacy) is a huge DC fan when I mentioned Roy Harper, and not only knew who I was talking about, and shared my anger at the CW. So we ended up talking a lot and geeking out together. It’s especially funny because I have known this person for SEVEN YEARS.

One thing that’s been a consistent debate in our friend group (Friend B and Friend C) is who among us is most like various members of The BatFam. Everyone agrees that I am The Biggest Dick Of The Group (dad friend, relentlessly optimistic, kinda corny, looks great in blue). Friend A is a Tim Drake on most days (short, tired all the time, scary smart) but can become a Damian if she hasn’t slept. Friend C insists she’s Jason (tough, angsty, kinda mean, grumpy, secretly nice) but we like to rib her and say she’s an exact copy of Wayne Family Adventure’s version of Damian, just SLIGHTLY taller (very slightly). Friend B is 100% Alfred, no question (tea drinker, snack provider, eternally exasperated, snarky, and knows a bunch about proper English etiquette bc she’s a history nerd)

So we hung out and had a great time with Friend B, who knows NOTHING about the DCU but is generally a Nerd and enjoys the conversations anyway. She knows a lot about proper formal forms of address and introduction, and after much deliberation, we concluded that if the JLA, in their civilian mode, were to be presented at a formal event, the correct order and method would be thus:
His Majesty Arthur, King Of Atlantis
Her Highness Diana, Princess of Themyscria
Lantern Harold Jordan (henceforth referred to as Lantern Jordan)
Lantern John Stewart (Lantern Stewart)
Doctor Bartholomew Allen (Dr. Allen)
Madame Shayera Hol
Mr. Clark Kent
Mr. Bruce Wayne
Mr. J’onn J’onnzz

The Flash family would be Dr. Bartholomew Allen, Mr. Wallace West, and Bart. We agreed Bart has not earned the right to a prefix, but if you must, he is to be addressed as Gremlin Bart.
Ollie’s made the switch from Mr. Oliver Queen to Comrade Ollie.
Many Batman rogues are entitled to special titles, Dr. Crane, Dr. Quinzel, but we agreed that while Harvey Dent is Mr. Harvey Dent, Esquire, Two-Face is simply Two-Face, because Big Bad Harv did NOT attend Law School. Similarly, it is Dr. Banner and Mr. Hulk.
And, most importantly, Lex Luthor, no matter what, even as a former president, is Mr. Luthor. Meaning Barry Allen outranks him, which we agreed would INFURIATE him and we found this exceedingly humorous. As Friend B said, “You are a MISTER and you better start ACTING like it!”


The House of El is a noble house on Krypton, I’m just saying… Also, if they were at a formal event, and the Lanterns are being Lanterns, and given that Shayera would also be clearly identifiable as Hawkgirl, they would likely be 99.9% there in their capacity as the Justice League. Therefore, their formal introductions would likely be alphabetical by code names. I also assume that the Lanterns would just be introduced as “Green Lantern,” “Green Lantern” as - IRCC - only the Guardians refer to them as Lantern Jordan, etc. in an official capacity, not the public at large.


i can’t tell if you’re insulting him or what lmao


It comes from a place of affection, but he absolutely cannot handle himself enough in a former situation to be addressed as anything more than “Bart”