Let’s Talk About Anything DC

Lmfaooo, congrats @basicallytimdrake!


Wait so is your new acronym BHF?



Well you’re totally Not crazy now. You really done it! Congrats!


Gracias if I had thought about it any longer I would have just thrown my phone out the window so I changed it lol




I don’t know keep calling me btd for all I care it will cause confusion confusion is fun


Lovin’ The new look!!! And name




Part of me is going to miss that Tim profile for a while @basicallytimdrake

I already said this before, but you’re many post about the guy, got me interested in Tim Drake to consider him the best Robin after strongly ignoring this guy for a decade. So thanks for that.


Love your new profile picture and name @basicallytimdrake!


I’m glad! And I’ll still end up posting about him semi-frequently I’m sure


Ty much


This mostly just for fun. I really like Milestone’s Hardware and I also really like Batwing. Both I consider my favorites yet I hadn’t really thought about their apparent comparisons until much later. I genuinely didn’t consider how similar they might be to each other until recently. I mean you got the basics:

  • tech based Black superheroes
  • Both have genius level intellect
  • Millionaire philanthropists
  • Both have incredible power armored suits.

So honestly random thought is if they ever met and fought who would win?

I like both characters, so I’m not sure who to pick. I would like the opinions from the community.

  • Batwing
  • Hardware

0 voters


Wow at the time I write this both Hardware and Batwing have a strong 50/50 tie. Yay!

I actually like to give more info in regard to both characters strengths and weaknesses in order to ensure total transparency.

Batwing Strengths

The Current Mk 2 Batwing suit is a significant improvement over the one David Zavimbe had years ago. Besides flight, superhuman strength, mobility and enhanced durability. Luke’s suit can shoot knockout gas, hallucinogenic fear toxins and 50 electronic volts that can take out powerful enemies.

His suit and his arsenal is also equipped with limited invisibility, forcefield, Baterangs, retractable grappling hook, Bat Brass knuckles, and the suit has regenerative capabilities when it becomes significantly damaged it can hardened immediately.
It’s a very powerful suit.

Batwing also has extensive martial arts training and is a experience fighter, fighting for sport on his free time. He single-handedly took out Grifter without his suit and once took out a metahuman with flame abilities in a gladiatorial battle.

Batwing Weaknesses

The suit is powerful, It is by in large bulletproof against suit most weapons. But it cannot protect against all weapons and has been shown that it has weak points when he got stabbed by a Katana and a 50 caliber gun went through him and his shields and close weapons like shotguns can throw him back. Making him durable but not indestructible. Currently, he is reliant on the tech as if it somehow shut off mid battle, he is unable to act or respond.

Hardware Strengths

Hardware is unique as is suit by all accounts is both crude and extensive. Working with the most powerful tech on the world, Curtis Metcalf built a suit that is extensive with all sorts gadgets and weapons in all matter of situations. It can fly, has superhuman strength that can be enhanced, and incredible durability. He is also has a online support system called Dobie in the original series, POP in the new one.

His arsenal includes: a omnicannon, plasma whip, retractable steel sword, fluid gun and a Back cannon that is incredibly destructive. Can take out enemies that burns with intensive heat.

Hardware durability is no joke. His suit arguably more powerful in Mk2 where it’s enhanced by alien technology. He clouds himself in this similarly durable coating that is a second armor for him as well as a way to protect his identity. He suit can also be used with no technology although greatly reducing it’s capabilities.

He also has martial arts training and can defend himself well enough.

Hardware Weaknesses

Hardware may be tough to hurt from his powerful armored, along with his dark inner shell for added protection. It can easily be broken down by a inertia absorber. Meaning his skin is exposed to any attack afterwards.

And while it’s certainly goes without saying Curtis Metcalf is a fine combative, Luke Fox is simply a more skilled fighter. Hardware overreliance on his armor makes him a significantly weaker foe if he’s without it.


Ok I don’t actually like the basically part of my name
What if i just
Got rid of it
What if I was just


Yes, do that


Okay :saluting_face:


Yeah this is much better why the hell did I even have the “basically” there in the first place


Are you trying to gaslight me with that status


So here’s something funny I think @MatthewHecht might get a kick out of.

Right around #2 of Stars And Stripe. This issue has Courtney get her braces. What’s funny is that I found out about this show called Braceface that reminded me of Stargirl.

I swear besides the fact the main character looking like Courtney I just look at it and think about the 2000s vibe of Stars and Stripe so bad.

I wanted to make a bad joke about Courtney’s braces but instead I found myself just humming the tune of this opening.