Let’s Say You’ve Kidnapped Batman

I’d sell Batman to Disney lmao make some serious coin and hope they don’t destroy his character

But in seriousness probably to Bane or Maybe Cobblepot; Bane has honor but could also break me in two and I like to believe Cobblepot with the rep of being the guy who can get anything and somewhat of a business man (has pretended to go straight Iceberg lounge etc) I feel like he would respect the hustle and make the purchase clean

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Just put a bullet in his head. Sell his body to Black Mask and skip town. Black Mask will gladly pay a nice sum, just to have him gone. Two-face, Penguin & Bane would probably make a donation to my retirement fund as well.

Only person you really have to avoid is Joker…ya kill Batman…he’s gonna be pissed.

I’m thinking Lionel or Lilian Luthor. They would have access to large amounts of money and know how to make even more with the owner of the other large megacorp and his identity. They feel more likely to want me as a future resource than Lex who has a habit of removing contractors who might know too much.

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Apologize, then escape before he does or the other Bats show up. Just the thought is painful!

Also, just think about the heat, if someone actually managed to take Batman down. Heroes and villains alike would be after him/her!

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I’d sell him to Disney, they’ll buy anything these days :money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face: