[Lantern Corps] Brightest Day - Week 24 [4/19 - 4/26]

Greetings @LanternCorps!

We’re reading through Brightest Day. The plan is to read 3 or 4 issues a week. Please avoid spoiling anything from issues beyond this week. If you missed last week, you can check it out here

The issues for this week are:

Feel free to use any, all, or none of the questions below as discussion starters.

  1. Did you have a favorite issue this week?
  2. Was anything surprising to see?
  3. What are your thoughts on the various entities from these issues?

#58. I’m a big Blue Lantern fan so this was cool to see.

Barry (I think it was Barry) showing up at the end was surprising. And Carol being named Queen of the Star Sapphires.

They’re really neat! I like how they add a whole other level to the colors and Corps. Adara is really cool.
It’s also neat to see Larfleeze actually doing stuff instead of taking everything from everyone.

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I think 56 was my favorite. Larfleeze is always fun to read.

Quite a few things surprised me this week. Eating the orange lantern and the kiss being the most prominent examples.

Love them. They add so much more depth and possibility to the various corps.

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