[Lantern Corps] Brightest Day - Week 1 [11/09 - 11/16]

Greetings @LanternCorps!

We are continuing into Brightest Day. The plan is to read 3 or 4 issues a week. Please avoid spoiling anything from issues beyond this week. If you missed Blackest Night, week 1 is here

The issues for this week are:

Feel free to use any, all, or none of the questions below as discussion starters.

  1. Did you have a favorite issue this week?
  2. Was anything surprising to see?
  3. Are there any threads from Blackest Night you are hoping continue into Brightest Day?

Neat – still way behind on Blackest Night, but I think I’m gonna try to keep up with this while I catch up on Blackest Night. :slight_smile:


I read most of “Blackest Night” while it was published, but never got to follow through with “Brightest Day” due to moving, so I will be joining in on the fun here should my schedule permit it. :slight_smile:


having read all of Brightest day a month or 2 ago, I can tell you, Justice League Generations Lost is my favorite part of Brightest Day possibly even more so than the GL series’ issues. It’s also HubCityQuestion’s favorite depiction of the JL, or at least one of.

I really like the whole mystery aspect of it. It kept me engaged the whole time wondering what would happen next.


Congrats on making it to Brightest Day!

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I don’t remember a lot of Brightest Day. I may have stopped reading towards the beginning of it’s release, and I definitely did not read any of the non-lantern comics. Personally, I like Deadman’s setup. Him being alive while still invisible to the world, and how he needs to figure out how all the revived are connected and how they are suppose to help the white light. It piques my curiosity.

  1. Did you have a favorite issue this week?

I think the JL issues were actually my favorites this week. I always enjoy Booster Gold appearances.

  1. Was anything surprising to see?

Max Lord in a tub of ice. Don’t know him any more than what was in Blackest Night, but these issues make him out to be a pretty serious threat. Having him brainwash the entire planet to effectively erase himself from both memory and physical evidence is nuts.

  1. Are there any threads from Blackest Night you are hoping continue into Brightest Day?

I’m excited for the No-Longer-Dead-man stuff.

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This cover art is amazing.

  1. Did you have a favorite issue this week?

The “Generation Lost” issues were my favorite. There is a bit more intrigue to this series, right now, then there is in “Brightest Day” for me. Both of these got me going, “What will happen next?” but this could just be that there were 2 issues of this series and only one of “Brightest Day” right now. It will be interesting to see how my opinion develops over the course of the readings.

  1. Was anything surprising to see?

Seeing the diversity of characters that were represented as the “returning” characters was a bit surprising to me. Some of them, like Jade, I forgot existed in DC because of recent focuses. I also was surprised by the overall message of the first issue of “Brightest Day” because it really seemed to be about reminding people to have hope, which I feel often gets lost in the “gritty, dark” nature of comic books that seems to be popular.

  1. Are there any threads from Blackest Night you are hoping continue into Brightest Day?

Like @GL-Batophobia mentioned, I am also excited to see what happens with Boston during this series. He was a great character to represent the changes occurring in “Brightest Day” and how it is about “life” returning. I will be excited to see any developments that occur from this series, not just threads from Blackest Night. I am really looking forward to reading more of this, as it is about the time that I went away from comics due to moving a lot. I am going to enjoy seeing finally what DC was doing with these more hopeful threads. I am truly excited to read more!

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  1. Did you have a favorite issue this week?

I think I would go with Generation Lost #1. The regular Brightest Day issue was good, with some interesting set up for each of the characters, but I think Generation Lost benefits from being a tighter, more contained story.

  1. Was anything surprising to see?

I knew Generation Lost’s whole thing was getting the world to believe that Max Lord didn’t exist, but I didn’t expect the additional twists that Lord put out to discredit Booster, Atom, Ice and Fire. I think the most surprising one was the idea that Ted Kord committed suicide.

  1. Are there any threads from Blackest Night you are hoping continue into Brightest Day?

Little harder to say since I haven’t finished all of BN yet, and because I have read the main Brightest Day in the past. I guess I’ll just say it’s going to be interesting to see where and how everything ties in.


@Jay_Kay, I was gutted by that reveal about Ted Kord here, even though I know it was false. I hate seeing “hopeful” characters being written that way. It upsets me. I hope that thread gets readdressed later on in the series, especially near the end when it is revealed it was false. I hope they intelligently acknowledge it near the end, so people remember Ted Kord the right way.