Kingdom Come Adaptation Ideas?

Ideas for Kingdom Come adaptations? Film? Live Action Series? Stage Play? Cartoon? Musical? Opera? Would love to hear your thoughts.

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I think a high budget animated movie, with a trippy animation style and art production that is faithful to Alex Ross art, would be really cool.


They might have changed their minds but DC has said no animated adaptation due to the difficulty in adapting Ross’s art.

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Understandable. So in what format do you think it would work?

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Honestly I think it works best in written form. As a film I think the best way would be live action film with internal monologues.

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Now THERE’S an idea! I’m into it.


Makes sense if they treat it like their straight to home video animated movies. I’m thinking a major theatrical release. It would need to be an event movie.


Have you heard the audio drama? It’s a full cast with music, sound effects, etc. I used to have the audio cassettes but you can also easily find them on YouTube.

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Oh cool. No, I hadn’t heard of it! I’ll check it out.

It’s pretty Wagnerian, you gotta admit. Now we’ve just got to get Warner Bros on board with opening an opera division.


It’s amazing! It’s adapted from the novelization, but when I got it in 2000, I remember listening to it while I read it my copy. It’s 95% compatible. I can still remember the music and sound effects when Superman saves the people on the tram.

I’m not sure the rules on posting links but here it is in its entirety. This sure brings back memories!


They can call it Wagner Bros.


I think a long form tv series would work. Allows focus on each character an episode and time to tell the story. Also need to have Brandon Routh as Kingdom Come Superman as he already portrayed him well on the Crisis crossover. Remember they had the same painted scene on a Daily Planet in the wall for when Joker poisoned the news room and he referred to the tragedy of losing his loved ones just like in the comic


This is actually a good idea. Lots of moving parts in the story, which makes it lend itself pretty well to a serialized format. Also, I don’t know why, but I feel like Ross’ more classic looking spandex costumes would look better on TV than on the big screen.


Start with Justice Society #10, and tell it as a flashback.


I like that idea. Does spandex ever look good on screen, though? Is there some sort of a filter we could use to “Rossify” it all?


Great idea. Is Routh able to do “grizzled” and angsty? Also, who would play Wonder Woman, Batman, and Captain Marvel? One of the interesting things about Ross’ characters is that their faces looked mid-twentieth century. Do they make faces like that anymore?


Stargirl, Power Rangers, and Raimi’s Spider-man.

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Yes! The first thing that came to my mind is this needs to be Brandon Routh, who has extended Chris Reeve’s Superman brilliantly. Through awesome continuity, I love that the character we saw in Superman: The Movie is the same as we saw in Crisis 40+ years later, and that the Reeve/Routh Superman became Kingdom Come Superman. I would like to see the Joker’s gas attack on screen and see how Routh plays Superman becoming KC Superman.


A series starring Brandon Routh, which has nothing to do with Kingdom Come except that Joker killed Lois and then Magog killed Joker. Rather than retiring for twenty years only to return for a depressing, Bible inspired story of the apocalypse, Superman carried on, knowing he had to be there for Jason and Ricky now that Lois and Lana were dead.