Justice League Book Club Week 38: The Adventures of Amethyst

Happy Friday and Happy November, @JusticeLeagueBookClub! :partying_face: :batparrot: :tada:

I hope you had a happy Halloween (you stuffed yourself on nummy candy, right? :yum:), and are ready to gorge yourself on all kinds of nifty characters this month, as I’m spotlighting assorted members of the Justice League and teams adjacent to the League, such as the most recent iteration of Young Justice.

Up first is Amy Winston, aka Amethyst (paging @CassTheStreet)!

Whether you know this shimmering hero from her comics, the Amethyst: Princess of Gemworld shorts that were part of Cartoon Network’s DC Nation programming block, her appearance in DC Super Hero Girls: Hero of the Year and/or her appearances in the world of Teen Titans Go! (be it the TV series and/or Teen Titans Go!: To the Movies) or are brand new to Ms. Winston because of this week’s selections, she’s definitely a shining gem of a hero!

This week is another grab bag of assorted titles, so read for on what to expect out of Gemworld:

:books: Read:

:purple_circle: DC Comics Presents #63
:purple_circle: Amethyst: Princess of Gemworld v1
:purple_circle: Amethyst: Princess of Gemworld v2
:purple_circle: Sword of Sorcery
:purple_circle: Justice League Dark Annual #1
:purple_circle: Young Justice (2019-2020). While Amethyst is a fixture through the entire series, the first arc, “Seven Crises”, is especially relevant to her and Gemworld, as well.
:purple_circle: Amethyst

Again, this is a grab bag, so you can read whatever you like. :purple_heart:

:speaking_head: Discuss:

:purple_circle: Are you a fan of Amethyst, or were the books you chose your first time experiencing the character?
:purple_circle: What are your thoughts on Amethyst and how she fits into the fantasy side of the DC pantheon?
:purple_circle: Would you like to see more of Amethyst, be it in comics, movies, TV and/or video games?
:purple_circle: Anything else that comes to your gem of a mind, reader.

:purple_square: ALSO: :purple_square: Amethyst’s newest adventure hits stores this Tuesday, November 9th, in the Amethyst: Princess of Gemworld original graphic novel.

Written by Shannon and Dean Hale and with art by Asiah Fulmore, Amethyst roars back into the comic scene once more!

You can read more about this nifty book (including a 6 page preview!) right here.

Those are the shining jewels of comic joy for this week, League! Enjoy, have fun and stay shiny!
:purple_heart: :superman_hv_4: :justice_league_book_club:

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